Viewing Download Package Information

Users typically search for a download package they want to view and then click that download package’s name to open the View Download Package page. The View menu on the View Download Package page includes several commands to get more details about the download package, where it is used, how it has been managed, who it has been delivered to, and so on. With the commands in the View menu, you can perform the following tasks.

In addition, users can access the download packages associated with a product from the Create A Product page




Viewing this Download Package

Explains how to return to the basic View Download Package page when performing other download package-related operations.

Viewing Where a Download Package Is Used

Shows how to determine which products a download package is associated with.

Viewing Download Package Restrictions

Describes how to view a list of accounts that are permitted or denied access to a download package. Restricting download package access to designated accounts is optional. By default, download packages are accessible to all entitled accounts.

Viewing Emails Related to a Download Package

Shows how to view email messages sent for a download package.

Viewing Download Package Transactions

Shows how to view transaction history related to a download package.

Viewing Download Packages of a Product

Explains how to access the download packages associated with a specific product from the Create A Product page.

See Also