Editing Download Package Information

Users typically search for a download package they want to view and then click that download package’s name to open the View Download Package page. The Edit menu on the View Download Package page includes several commands for actions like altering, restricting, or creating an email message for an existing download package. With the commands in the Edit menu, you can perform the following tasks.




Editing a Download Package

Describes how to change a download package’s details.

Editing a Download Package File List

Shows how to use Edit File List to modify the sort order of the files associated with a download package and optionally exclude selected files from download limit enforcement.

Reidentifying a Download Package

Discusses how to reidentify a download package to change the download package ID of an existing download package.

Restricting a Download Package

Explains how to restrict access to a download package to designated accounts.

Creating an Email Notification for a Download Package

Describes how to create an email notification for a download package.

See Also