Editing a Download Package

You can edit download package details from the View Download Package page. Most of the download package information that you enter when you add a download package can be edited on the Edit Download Package page.

Some commonly edited download package details include

Download Package Description—The name of the download package that End-User Portal users see. It should be brief but descriptive, for example, Enterprise Server 2.4 Solaris or Enterprise Server 2.4 Documentation.
Download Package Name—The name of the download package as it will appear in the Producer Portal.
Extended Description—An optional, additional description field that can show more information about the download package to your End-User Portal users. Maximum: 1000 characters.
Download Instructions—Additional information that is displayed above the file list on the download page of the End-User Portal. For example, Please refer to the release notes for installation instructions.

Note:A download package’s editable attributes may also include the values for any custom download package attributes you have defined. To learn more about custom attributes, including custom download package attributes, see Administering Custom Attributes.

Many attributes support localization. For localizable attributes, click Show Languages to reveal additional, locale-specific fields for those attributes.

For more information about download package attributes, see About Download Package Attributes.

To edit download package details

1. On the View Download Package page, click Edit > Edit this Download Package. This link opens the Edit Download Package page for the current download package.
2. Make your changes to one or more download package details.
3. Click Save.

The Producer Portal saves your changes and returns to the View Download Package page for the current download package.

Tip:Some download package details, such as its Download Package ID, cannot be altered on the Edit Download Package page. To change a download package’s ID, you must reidentify the download package (Edit > Reidentify).

See Also