Viewing Updates

A list of Updates can be viewed on the Updates page.

To open the Updates page

1. Click Products > Updates. The Updates page opens.
2. On the Updates page you can filter the list by active and inactive. See To filter, search and sort the Update list for more information. The list contains the following:



Update Name

The name of the Update. This is the internal name the publisher site uses to identify the Update but it is not shown to those who receive the Update. Click the name for detailed information about the Update.

Update ID

The alphanumeric identification of the Update.

Last Modified

Date/time stamp when the Update was last modified. By default, Updates are listed in descending order by the Last Modified date.

To filter, search and sort the Update list

1. On the Updates page hover, the cursor over the filter icon to display the filter selection list. By default, the Updates page is set to display only updates with an Active status.
2. You can also search a filtered update list. Use the drop-down list to narrow your search to either Update ID or Update Name.
3. You can sort the list by Update name, Update ID, Start date, End date or Last Modified.

See Also