Creating or Modifying an Update

This section explains how to create and modify Updates. The following topics are included.




Update Overview

Covers the primary details of an Update.

Update Release From

Lists the Release From download packages for a given update and covers how to add and remove associated download packages for the given Update.

Update Release To

Lists the Release To download package for a given update and covers how to add and remove an associated download package for the given Update.

Update Languages

Lists the Languages for a given update and covers how to add and remove languages for the given Update.

To create an update

1. Click Products > Updates. This link opens the Updates page.
2. Click Create. The Overview tab of the Update page opens. See Update Overview for more details on creating an Update.

To modify an existing Update

On the Updates page, click on the Update name of the update you want to modify. The Update page is displayed See Update Overview for more details on modifying an Update.

See Also