Adding Email Templates

You can add email template variations from the Administer menu.

Tip:FlexNet Operations supports the use of custom email template variations only for license technology emails.

Before saving an email template variation, you preview the way the final mail message will appear to its recipients. Prior to showing the preview page, the system validates any merge tags included in the email template content. If any invalid merge tags are used, the Producer Portal returns you to the edit page. Otherwise, the preview page shows how the email appears for recipients, replacing the merge tags with preview values.

To add an email template

1. Click Administer > Add Email Template. The Producer Portal opens the Add Email Template Variation page.
2. For Variation Name, type a short description (maximum 25 characters) for this email template variation.
The original email template has a variation name of DEFAULT.
3. Choose an Event Type. The event type reflects the email template type name shown on the List Email Templates page.
4. Click Add Template. The Producer Portal opens the Edit Email Template Content page.
5. In Email Template Content, insert a subject line plus text content or HTML content (or both).

Email template content can make use of merge tags to substitute specific values at the time the email message is generated. For examples of merge tag use, see About Email Templates.

Tip:To avoid errors, copy the merge tag from the Merge Tag List and paste it in the body or subject area. Merge tags must be opened and closed with double square brackets, like this: [[MERGE_TAG]].

6. Click Validate Template. The Producer Portal validates the merge tags in the template content and opens the preview page for the email template variation.

Tip:When you click Validate Template, the Producer Portal only validates the merge tags in the template content. It does not validate your HTML.

7. Complete the email creation process by saving the variation or returning to the edit page for additional changes.
Click Save to save the current version as the Active template for this email template variation.
Click Save Draft to save the current version as the Draft template for this email template variation.
Click Back to Edit to return to the edit page.

When you save it as a Active template, the Producer Portal uses it for all the email of that variation from then on. If you save it as Draft, you can go back to this version at a later time, change it, and save it as the Active version. If you want to make more changes, click Back to Edit.

Tip:The name you provide for Variation Name distinguishes your variation from the default variation of that same template type. When you create or edit a license technology, you can specify customized variations of selected template types to use with that license technology by providing their variation names. See Creating a License Technology.

See Also