About Email Templates

The Producer Portal offers you flexibility in editing your email templates. This topic includes short discussions and examples on the following subjects:

Email Template Types
About Email Template Status Settings
Email Template Attributes
More About Email Template Content
Merge Tag Example: Repeating Blocks
Merge Tag Example: Selected Contact
Merge Tag Example: Maintenance Line Items
Merge Tag Example: Using IF to Display Conditional Text
Merge Tag Example: Custom Attributes
Merge Tag Example: Custom Attributes for Accounts and Users
Merge Tag Example: CHILD-ONLY
Special Handling of Alert Email Templates
Common Email Template Questions

Email Template Types

The Producer Portal includes a number of email template types for producers to use with FlexNet Operations, such as the Entitlement Certificate template and the Update Notification Email template.

Initially, the set of email templates includes only the default variation of each template type. Producers can choose to edit the default variation—creating new versions of the default email template—or to add new variations of an existing email template type. For some emails that FlexNet Operations sends, users can choose from active variations of an email template prior to sending the message. Multiple active variations of a given email template type can exist, but each email template variation can only have one active version. (See About Email Template Status Settings.)

There are a number of built-in email template types in FlexNet Operations. You can create one or more variations for each email type, but not all template types support the use of custom variations. Custom email template variations are supported for only the following email template types: Entitlement, Entitlement Certificate, License, Multiple Licenses, Consolidated License, Multiple Consolidated Licenses, Update Notification Email, and Product Upgrade Job Email. The original (and in most cases, the only usable) email template for each type has a variation name of DEFAULT.

Template variations must be set to Active and their Send indicators set to true to be used.


Email Template Types


Approve Entitlement On Hold (Portal Admin)

Entitlements that are created as the result of transferring an entitlement in the End-User Portal are created with an on-hold status. On-hold entitlements must be approved by a producer user before they are deployed.

An email using this template is triggered when a producer user approves the on-hold entitlement from the Producer Portal. The email is sent to the partner or customer user that initiated the transfer.

Only the default variation of this template is used by FlexNet Operations.

Consolidated License

FNP certificate or custom technology licenses can be consolidated and downloaded or emailed.

An email using this template is triggered when a single consolidated fulfillment is selected and its consolidated license attachment is emailed to the specified email addresses from the End-User or Producer Portal, or via web services (emailConsolidatedLicenses).

If multiple active variations of this template exist, producers can choose which email template variation to use for each license technology.

Create Entitlement On Hold (Portal Admin)

Entitlements that are created as the result of transferring an entitlement in the End-User Portal are created with an on-hold status. On-hold entitlements must be approved by a producer user before they are deployed.

An email using this template is triggered and sent to the partner or customer user that initiated the transfer when an on-hold entitlement is created in the End-User Portal.

Only the default variation of this template is used by FlexNet Operations.

Create Entitlement On Hold (Publisher)

Entitlements that are created as the result of transferring an entitlement in the End-User Portal are created with an on-hold status. On-hold entitlements must be approved by a producer user before they are deployed.

An email using this template is triggered and sent to a producer email address when an on-hold entitlement is created, to notify the producer that the entitlement is waiting to be approved. The producer email address is specified in the System Configuration setting, System > Configure > FlexNet Operations > General > Email for On-Hold Fulfillments or On-Hold Entitlements.

Only the default variation of this template is used by FlexNet Operations.


This email template is used for the body of the email message sent for either a single line item or entire entitlement. An entitlement certificate, which uses a separate template, can be optionally attached to the entitlement email.

An email using this template is triggered when an entitlement email is sent to the specified email addresses from the End-User or Producer Portal, or via web services (emailActivatableItem or emailEntitlement). See the web services documentation that describes how email addresses can be specified, validated, and filtered in the web service request.

If multiple active variations of this template exist, producers can choose which email template variation to use for each license technology or entitlement.

Note:One or more variations of both this entitlement template and the entitlement certificate template must be set to active for FlexNet Operations to send out entitlement emails.

Entitlement Certificate

Entitlement emails as described above can optionally include an entitlement certificate attachment, depending on the System Configuration setting which is enabled by default, System > Configure > FlexNet Operations > General > Always Attach Entitlement Certificate in Email. This email template is used for that certificate attachment.

An email with an attachment using this template is triggered when an entitlement email is sent to the specified email addresses from the End-User or Producer Portal, or via web services (emailActivatableItem or emailEntitlement) if certificate attachments are enabled. See the web services documentation that describes how email addresses can be specified, validated, and filtered in the web service request.

If multiple active variations of this template exist, producers can choose which email template variation to use for each license technology.

Note:One or more variations of both this entitlement certificate template and the entitlement template must be set to active for FlexNet Operations to send out entitlement emails.

Entitlement Split

Partner users can split entitlements to related partner or customer accounts.

An email with an attachment using this template is triggered when an entitlement is split from the End-User Portal, or via web services, if the System Configuration is enabled to System > Configure > FlexNet Operations > General > Send Email When New Entitlement is Created after Split. The recipient of the email is the contact that is specified in the target account distributor tier. If no contact is specified in the target tier, no email is sent.

Only the default variation of this template is used by FlexNet Operations.

Fulfillment License Set

Fulfillments for some custom technologies, for example manual technologies, are created in FlexNet Operations and license files are generated outside of FlexNet Operations. These fulfillments are created with on-hold status and license files are set later.

Emails using this template are triggered when a license generated outside of FlexNet Operations is set on a fulfillment and the Send Email is selected when the license is set and if the System Configuration setting System > Configure > FlexNet Operations > General > Send Email on Set License for On-Hold Fulfillments is enabled. The emails are sent to the ship-to email address on the fulfillment and to the producer email address is specified in the System Configuration setting, System > Configure > FlexNet Operations > General > Email for On-Hold Fulfillments or On-Hold Entitlements.

Only the default variation of this template is used by FlexNet Operations.

Fulfillment On Hold

Fulfillments for some custom technologies, for example manual technologies, are created in FlexNet Operations and license files are generated outside of FlexNet Operations. These fulfillments are created with on-hold status and license files are set later.

An email using this template is triggered and sent to a producer email address when an on-hold fulfillment is created, to notify the producer that the fulfillment is waiting for a license to be set. The producer email address is specified in the System Configuration setting, System > Configure > FlexNet Operations > General > Email for On-Hold Fulfillments or On-Hold Entitlements.

Only the default variation of this template is used by FlexNet Operations.


This email template is used for the body of the email message sent with a FlexNet Publisher certificate or custom technology license file attachment for a single fulfillment.

An email using this template is triggered when one fulfillment is selected and an email is sent to the specified email addresses from the End-User or Producer Portal, or via web services (emailLicense). See the web services documentation that describes how email addresses can be specified, validated, and filtered in the web service request.

If multiple active variations of this template exist, producers can choose which email template variation to use for each license technology.

Local Trial

An email using this template is triggered when a user Producer Portal sends a notification for a FlexNet Publisher Local Trial ASR. (For example, a user can click Administer > Local Trial ASRs. Select the check box of the local trial ASR, click Email, and specify email addresses.)

Only the default variation of this template is used by FlexNet Operations.

Multiple Consolidated Licenses

FlexNet Publisher certificates or custom technology licenses can be consolidated and downloaded or emailed.

An email using this template is triggered when multiple consolidated fulfillments are selected and their consolidated license attachments are emailed to the specified email addresses from the End-User or Producer Portal, or via web services (emailConsolidatedLicenses). See the web services documentation that describes how email addresses can be specified, validated, and filtered in the web service request.

If multiple active variations of this template exist, producers can choose which email template variation to use for each license technology.

Multiple Licenses

This email template is used for the body of the email message sent with a FlexNet Publisher certificate or custom technology license file attachments for more than one fulfillment.

An email using this template is triggered when multiple fulfillments are selected and an email is sent from the End-User or Producer Portal, or via web services (emailLicense). See the web services documentation that describes how email addresses can be specified, validated, and filtered in the web service request.

If multiple active variations of this template exist, producers can choose which email template variation to use for each license technology.

Order Media

An email using this template is triggered when a user in the End-User Portal places an order for physical media for files from a selected download package.

An email is sent to a producer email address configured in System > Configure > End-User Portal Setup > Downloads Page > Order media request recipient.

Only the default variation of this template is used by FlexNet Operations.

Product Upgrade Job Email

Used to send email messages to end users for whom FlexNet Operations has automatically created upgrade line items. (FlexNet Operations only creates these upgrade line items automatically when you have qualifying products and line items and have scheduled the Product Version Upgrade job.)

This email template is only triggered by upgrades that result from running the Product Version Upgrade job. It is not triggered for manual upgrades nor for bulk upgrades.

For details about the Product Version Upgrade job, see FlexNet Operations Alert Types.

Producers set the variation of this email template to be used on the Create a Product page. (Only active variations of this template can be selected. Draft variations are not shown.)

For instructions about specifying a variation to use, see Creating a Product.

Reject Entitlement On Hold (Portal Admin)

Entitlements that are created as the result of transferring an entitlement in the End-User Portal are created with an on-hold status. On-hold entitlements must be approved by a producer user before they are deployed.

An email using this template is triggered when a producer user rejects the on-hold entitlement from the Producer Portal. The email is sent to a partner or customer user.

Only the default variation of this template is used by FlexNet Operations.

Renewal Intent for End Customer

Allows an end user to let the producer know they want to renew an entitlement.

Emails using this template are triggered when an end user clicks the Request button on the End-User Portal Expiring Entitlements page. Copies of the intent-to-renew email are sent to the end user who initiated the request and also to the producer at the address specified for the system configuration setting, System > Configure > FlexNet Operations > Renewals > Request Renewal Notification Email.

Unlike other email templates, Renewal Intent for End Customer does not use the From address. Instead, the value for From is always the email address of the end user who initiates the message.

Only the default variation of this template is used by FlexNet Operations.

Renewal Reminder

If a producer has configured and runs the Expired Entitlements job, producers can send Renewal Reminder emails to end users for entitlements that expires in the near future. For an end user to receive these emails, they must have the View Expiring Entitlements permission and subscribe by selecting the Expiring Entitlements Email check box in their user profiles.

The frequency that this email is sent to a user is based on Configure > FlexNet Operations > Renewals > Expiring email frequency.

Only the default variation of this template is used by FlexNet Operations.

See More About the Expiring Entitlements Job for details.

Renewal Reminder for Expired Entitlements

If a producer has configured and runs the Expired Entitlements job, producers can send Renewal Reminder emails to end users for entitlements that have expired. For an end user to receive these emails, they must have the View Expiring Entitlements permission and subscribe by selecting the Entitlements Email check box in their user profiles.

The frequency that this email is sent to a user is based on Configure > FlexNet Operations > Renewals > Expired email frequency. Each expired entitlement appears in only one email message.

Only the default variation of this template is used by FlexNet Operations.

See More About the Expired Entitlements Job for details.

Reset Password

Used to send email messages when FlexNet Operations must send a system-generated, temporary password, for logging into either the End-User or Producer Portal.

Emails using this template are triggered when new users request a password, when existing active or inactive users forget their password, or when administrators reset a user’s password.

Tip:Producers who use single sign-on can prevent FlexNet Operations from sending Reset Password email messages by setting Will Email Be Sent? to No on the Edit Email Template Definition page.

Only the default variation of this template is used by FlexNet Operations.

Note:This template must always be set to Active unless single sign-on is used.

Short Code

An email using this template is triggered when a user Producer Portal sends a notification for a FlexNet Publisher Short Code ASR. (For example, a user can click Administer > Short Code ASRs. Select the check box of the short code ASR, click Email, and specify email addresses.)

Only the default variation of this template is used by FlexNet Operations.

Trusted Activation

An email using this template is triggered when a user in the Producer Portal sends a notification for a trusted activation request. (For example, a user can click Administer > Trusted Activation Requests. Select the check box of the activation request, click Email response, and specify email addresses.)

Only the default variation of this template is used by FlexNet Operations.

Update Notification Email

An email using this template is triggered when a user in the Producer Portal sends a notification email for a download file or download package. (For example, a user can click Administer > Send File Notification or Administer > Send Download Package Notification.)

If multiple active variations of this template exist, producers can choose which email template variation to use for each file or download package notification.

User Enabled

An email using this template is triggered when a user is reactivated through the UI. If this template has not been configured with any content, an email with default content is sent from FlexNet Operations when the user is reactivated. [Email is currently not sent when user is reactivated using the updateUser web service operation.]

Only the default variation of this template is used by FlexNet Operations.

Note:This template must always be set to Active unless single sign-on is used.

Welcome Email for End Users

Welcome emails are sent to new users. An email using this template is triggered when a customer, partner, or self-registered user is created in the End-User or Producer Portals, or via web services (createUser).

Producers who use single sign-on typically make this template inactive. Otherwise, the default variation of this template must be active to support basic functionality of FlexNet Operations.

Producers who want to offer trial registration to their end users can create a variation of this template to use specifically for trial registrations. This variation name is then used in the custom content page, based on the TrialRegistration custom content template, in place of {{formData.emailTemplate}}.

See About Product Trial Registration Support and About Trial Products for more information.

Welcome Email for Producers

Welcome emails are sent to new producer users. An email using this template is triggered when a producer user is created in the Producer Portal or via web services (createUser).

Only the default variation of this template is used by FlexNet Operations, and the default variation of this template must be active to support basic functionality of FlexNet Operations.

About Email Template Status Settings

Each email template variation can have one or more versions. There are three possible status settings for an email template version:

Active—This version is used by the application to send an email. Only one version (per variation) can be active at any given time.
Draft—This version is in the process of edit and review. Changes have been made but it is not ready to be used as the active version yet. Only one version (per variation) can be in draft status at any given time.
Archived—These versions were once the active or draft version of an email template variation but have been replaced by newer versions. The system keeps these archived versions of your email template variations, and you can always revert to an old version if necessary.

Email template versions are set to Active or Draft status, depending on how they are saved on the Edit Email Template page. There is no separate status-setting control in the Producer Portal.

When you create or edit an email template, you can choose to save it as the Active version or the Draft version of that template variation. If version of the same template variation already exists in the same state, its state becomes Archived. To return an archived email template version to Draft or Active status, open its Edit Email Template page and save it as the Active or Draft template according to your needs.

Email Template Attributes

An email templates consist of

Email Address:
From: Whom the email is sent from. The application uses an email alias specific to your site for this.
TO: The email address that appears as the addressee in the To field of the actual email message.
Reply To: Typically the same as the From. When the user replies to the email sent out by the system, this is the email address to which the email is sent.
CC: Who is copied on outgoing emails. Typically used for all people who want to monitor the correct working of your site.
BCC: Same as CC, except that the recipients are not visible to each other.
Email Template Content:
Subject: The subject of the email, you can change this field.
Text Content and HTML Content: The message content of the email. The body of the email can be HTML content or text content. Depending on your preferences, you can use one or the other, or both. When you use HTML, make sure you enter valid HTML. (You can write this content with an external HTML editor and then copy it into the body field). If you choose to fill out both types of content, the recipient, your customer, receives both types of content as well.

More About Email Template Content

The text of the email template body (Text Content and HTML Content) and the Subject can be of two types:

Fixed text: Text that is the same for all the receivers of the email; this is text that you can change.
Merge tags for user-dependent information: Information that is different for each receiver of the email, such as first and last name, company name, and order number. In an email template, this information is shown as a merge tag. You can place the merge tags in the body and the subject of the email. Before an email is sent, these merge tags are replaced with the data specific to the recipient of the email. When you edit an email template, the Producer Portal shows the merge tags that are available for the current email template in the Merge Tags List. (Some email templates require specific merge tags, meaning that you must use the tag at least once in the body of the email.) Not all merge tags are available for all email templates. The list varies by template.

Tip:To avoid errors, copy the merge tag from the Merge Tag List and paste it in the body or subject area. Merge tags must be opened and closed with double square brackets, like this: [[MERGE_TAG]].

Note:The merge tags [[AcctId]] and [[FOR-EACH TAG=”SoldToAcct”]] and [[OrgName]] and [[FOR-EACH TAG=”SoldToOrg”]] tags are functional duplicates. [[AcctId]] and [[FOR-EACH TAG=”SoldToAcct”]] are the preferred tags. [[OrgName]] and [[FOR-EACH TAG=”SoldToOrg”]] are deprecated tags that have been retained for backward compatibility.

See the merge tag examples in the following sections.

Merge Tag Example: Repeating Blocks

The Producer Portal allows you to set up repeating blocks of content to, for example, display an order with multiple order lines. To do this, start by creating the content that you need for one order line. Then put the [[for-each]] tag at the beginning of this block and the [[end for-each]] at the end of the block.

[[FOR-EACH TAG="EntitlementLineItem"]]



Activation ID: [[ActivationID]]

Quantity: [[SeatCount]]

Start Date: [[StartDate]]

Expiration: [[ExpirationDate]]


Merge Tag Example: Selected Contact

The SelectedContact merge tag enables users to include additional criteria when defining contact information for an entitlement.

[[FOR-EACH TAG="Entitlement" child-only="true"]]

[[FOR-EACH TAG="ChannelPartners" child-only="true"]]

[[FOR-EACH TAG="ChannelPartner"]]

Partner Tier Name: [[PartnerTierName]]

Acct Display Name: [[Name]]

Acct Name : [[AcctId]]

[[FOR-EACH TAG="SelectedContact" child-only="true"]]

    Contact Name: [[ContactName]]

    Firstname: [[Firstname]]

    Lastname: [[Lastname]]

    Country: [[Country]]

    Email: [[Email]]





Important:Only use the Contact merge tag inside the FOR-EACH entitlement loop to populate the contact. Do not use the Contact merge tag to populate all organization contacts.

Merge Tag Example: Maintenance Line Items

The LinkedMaintenanceLineItems and MaintenanceLineItem merge tags enable users to iterate through maintenance line items.

[[FOR-EACH TAG="Entitlement" child-only="true"]]

[[FOR-EACH TAG="ChannelPartners" child-only="true"]]

[[FOR-EACH TAG="ChannelPartner"]]

Partner Tier Name: [[PartnerTierName]]

Acct Display Name: [[Name]]

Acct Name : [[AcctId]]

[[FOR-EACH TAG="SelectedContact" child-only="true"]]

    Contact Name: [[ContactName]]

    Firstname: [[Firstname]]

    Lastname: [[Lastname]]

    Country: [[Country]]

    Email: [[Email]]




[[FOR-EACH TAG="EntitlementLineItems" child-only="true"]]

[[FOR-EACH TAG="EntitlementLineItem" child-only="true"]]

ActivationID: [[ActivationID]]

Order ID: [[OrderID]]

Quantity: [[SeatCount]]

Start Date: [[StartDate]]

Expiration Date: [[ExpirationDate]]

Permanent: [[Permanent]]

Duration :

Length: [[Length]]

Units: [[Units]]

[[FOR-EACH TAG="LinkedMaintenanceLineItems" child-only="true"]]

    [[FOR-EACH TAG="MaintenanceLineItem" child-only="true"]]

        Maintenance Activation Id: [[ActivationID]]

        Order ID: [[OrderID]]

        Quantity: [[SeatCount]]

        Start Date: [[StartDate]]

        Expiration Date: [[ExpirationDate]]

        Permanent: [[Permanent]]

        State: [[Status]]

        [[FOR-EACH tag="Product"]]

            Maintenance Product: [[Name]]

        [[END FOR-EACH]]

    [[END FOR-EACH]]





Merge Tag Example: Using IF to Display Conditional Text

You can make some email content conditional with the use of IF tags.

[[IF TAG="OrgType" value="PUBLISHER"]]

You can now login to your FlexNet Producer account by clicking this link: https://<siteID>-fno-uat.flexnetoperations.com/flexnet/operations/logon.do


You can now login to your FlexNet End User Portal account by clicking this link: https://<siteID>-fno-uat.flexnetoperations.com/flexnet/operationsportal/logon.do


After your initial login, you will be prompted to change this password.

If you have problems with your account, please contact your Administrator.


Best Regards,



[[END IF]]

Using the "no value" clause:

[[IF TAG="ServerIDs" VALUENOT=""]]

Server Ids : [[ServerIDs]]

[[END IF]]

[[IF TAG="NodeLockedIDs" VALUENOT=""]]

Node Locked Ids : [[NodeLockedIDs]]



Merge Tag Example: Custom Attributes

If you use custom attributes, you can also use them in your email templates.

Look in the list of Merge Tags and see if you find a tag like this "[[ENT_CA]]". If that tag is in the list of allowed tags, you can add any custom attribute (CA) that is defined on that level in your Email Template (in the example, that would mean you can use Entitlement CAs but not Member CAs).

Because you can have many custom attributes, you must add the CA-ID to properly identify the custom attribute to use. If you do not know the value of the CA-ID, go to the Custom Attributes page in the Producer Portal.

Here is the login and password to [[ACCOUNT_NAME]]'s XXXXXXXX Download Center




Dear [[DisplayName]]


Thank you for your order.


Your Activation ID is: [[ActivationID]]


The Activation ID will be required to login. You will also need the Hostid of the computer with which this license will be associated.


If you have any questions, contact your local XYZ Corporation office.

[[END IF]]




Cher [[DisplayName]],


Nous vous remercions de votre commande.


Votre code d’activation : [[ActivationID]]


Le code d’activation est nécessaire pour vous connecter. Vous aurez également besoin de l’adresse d’hôte de l’ordinateur pour lequel la licence sera associée.


Si vous avez des questions, n’hésitez pas à contacter le bureau XYZ corp le plus proche.

[[END IF]]

Merge Tag Example: Custom Attributes for Accounts and Users

The Welcome Email templates for end users and producers can also be customized using custom attributes for accounts and users. Look in the Merge Tag List for the tags [[ACCOUNT_CA]] and [[USER_CA]].

The following example shows how to use the FOR-EACH tag to iterate through accounts:

Dear [[DisplayName]],


[[FOR-EACH TAG="Accounts"]]

[[FOR-EACH TAG="Account"]]




Welcome to XXXXXXXX


[[END IF]]





Please note that your FlexNet account UserID: [[UserId]] password has been set to [[Password]].


You can now login to your FlexNet Producer account by clicking this link: https://<siteID>-fno-uat.flexnetoperations.com/flexnet/operations/logon.do


After your initial login, you will be prompted to change this password.

If you have problems with your account, please contact your Administrator.


Best Regards,


Note:The custom attribute for accounts (tag [[ACCOUNT_CA]]) can also be used with the Reset Password, Entitlement, Entitlement Certificate, and Update Notification Email templates.

Merge Tag Example: CHILD-ONLY

Useful when the logical flow of the merge tags in an email template encompasses multiple FlexNet Operations entities (such as entitlements and entitlement line items, accounts and members, and the like) and the same attribute is present in two or more of the entities, CHILD-ONLY, allows you to restrict the evaluation of a condition to a particular entity.

For example, the Status tag exists for both entitlements and entitlement line items. In a FOR-EACH loop of entitlement line items, you might want to force the parser to look for the Status tag only in the entitlement line item rather than allowing it to consider the Status tag value in the parent entitlement.

[[FOR-EACH TAG="EntitlementLineItem"]]

[[IF TAG="Status" VALUE="Deployed" CHILD-ONLY="true"]]


[[END IF]]



Special Handling of Alert Email Templates

Email templates for alerts are managed differently from most other email templates. While the templates for sending license certificates, entitlement certificates, shortcode ASRs, and so forth are managed through the Producer Portal UI, the alert email templates cannot be customized.

Common Email Template Questions

Here are some common questions about email template management:

The extra white space (like returns and extra lines) is not showing. Why?

You are writing HTML mail and therefore you must use the <br> and <p> tags to create your line breaks and paragraph breaks.

I want to include an image from my company, how can I do that?

Use the image tag like you would on an HTML page, but ensure that the SRC parameter is a full path that points to the image on your own web server. There is no need to upload these images to FlexNet Operations.

Why do I still see a merge tag when I preview email template content? I thought all merge tags would be replaced.

There is probably an error in the brackets and therefore the application does not consider it a merge tag and, as a result, leaves it unchanged. Merge tags must be opened and closed with a double square bracket like this: [[MERGE_TAG]].

Read the email carefully and verify that all the merge tags are replaced with preview values. Ensure that the sentences make sense when the merge tags are replaced with real content. If you are satisfied with the result you can save the email template as an Active or as a Draft template.

See Also