About Device Attributes

The following attributes are used when creating, editing, and searching for standalone and served devices. Some of the attributes do not apply to anonymous devices (devices that are not assigned to an account), as indicated in the table below.




Activation ID

An activation ID associated with the device.

Exception: Anonymous devices are not associated with an activation ID.

Device ID

The device’s unique identity.

Device ID Type

One of several possible device host ID types.

Internet IPV6
FlexID 9
FlexID 10
Container Id
Publisher defined

Device Model

The device’s model. When creating a device, you can choose from existing device models or keep the default setting: Use Default Device Model. See Managing Device Models for more information about models.

Device Name

A short, alternate name for the device.

Entitlement ID

An entitlement ID associated with the device.

Exception: Anonymous devices are not associated with an entitlement ID.


The publisher identity to use for the current device. When creating a device, you can choose from existing identities or keep the default setting: As Defined by Device Model. See Managing Publisher Identities for more information about identities.

Last Modified

The last date that the device was changed, or had entitlements mapped or licenses removed. For served devices, the date is updated when a sync record is processed.


Additional information about the device for internal use by the producer’s account.

Account ID

The ID of the customer or partner account that owns the device.

Exception: Anonymous devices are not associated with an account.

Account Name

The name of the customer or partner account that owns the device.

Exception: Anonymous devices are not associated with an account.

Part Number

The part number of the device.


The product that determines the features included in the pre-installed license for the device. Pre-installed product settings also determine the license model, license model attributes, and expiration terms used for the pre-installed product on the device.

If no pre-installed product is specified, the device inherits the pre-installed product that was added to its device model. If no pre-installed product is specified in the device model, the device includes no built-in features in its pre-installed license.

Exception: Preinstalled products cannot not specified for anonymous devices.

Product Name

The name of a product on the device.

Exception: Products cannot not specified for anonymous devices.

Served by Server ID

The ID of the server for a device whose type is SERVED_CLIENT.

Site Name

The device’s site name.


The status of the device. See About Device Status for information about possible status values.


CLIENT for standalone devices (including anonymous devices), SERVED_CLIENT for served devices.


The device user associated with the device. See About the Device–Device User Association for more information about device users.


The update activity for a device. In the Devices grid view, the Updates column displays either Updates with a link to the Updates tab for that device or No updates. Hovering over the Updates link triggers a pop-up that contains the update name, update ID, the status of the update and the date of the last activity. See Creating Devices for more information.

See Also