Listing Accounts

Use the following instructions to list health metrics for existing accounts on the Producer Portal.

To list accounts

Click Accounts & Users > Accounts. The Accounts Health page opens.

On the Accounts Health page, you can filter the account list by account type, scores, and health status. See Filtering the Account List for more information. The list contains the following information:




Account Name

The account name.

Account ID

Unique identifier of the account.


The score of all consumed products to the total number of consumable items.


Total of all consumed products for an account vs the actual quantity. Consumed products include:

Licensing technologies
Fulfillments generated
Licenses activated
Features acquired

See Account Product Health for more information about how consumption is counted.

Renewal Health

The Renewal Health score is a weighted calculation of days until expiration and the consumption value. See Account Renewal Health for more details on how the renewal score is calculated.

Account Health

The Account Health score is a combination of Consumption and Renewal Health scores: (Renewal Score+Consumption Score)/2.


Select the icon to add or remove an account from the watchlist.

- Unwatched

- Watched

To view a particular account, click its Account name. On the Account <account name> page, you can view details of the health metrics and alerts.

Note:You can sort the list by Account name, Account ID, Consumption, Renewal Health, or Account Health.

See Also