Configuring the FlexNet Platform Server

A user must be assigned a role with the View and Manage Configurations permission to modify configuration settings for the FlexNet Platform Server through the Producer Portal.

Note:Before changing any configuration settings in a working FlexNet Operations instance, it is advisable to export the working configuration settings. If there is a problem with the new settings, you have a backup of working settings to restore.

To change FlexNet Platform Server configuration settings through the FlexNet Operations Producer Portal

1. Click System > Configure.
2. Click FlexNet Platform Server to open the configuration page for the FlexNet Platform Server.
3. View or change the values of the settings below.
4. Click Save Configs to save changes.

The Producer Portal saves your configuration changes.

The platform server settings include the following. Note that default values are listed as the first choice. Also, required fields are indicated with an asterisk.

FlexNet Platform Server Configurations


Possible Values



Outbound Mail Server Host

mail or specify

The name of the machine that hosts the mail server for mail sent from FlexNet Operations.

Default: fnosmtp


Outbound Mail Security

None or SSL

Type of security set for mail sent from FlexNet Operations.


Outbound Mail Server Port

0 or specify

The port on which the outbound mail server runs: Set to 0 to use the default port determined by security:

SMTP/None: 25



Outbound Mail Logging Detail

Brief or Verbose

Level of detail of outbound mail written to the FlexNet Operations application log.

Default: Brief


Outbound Mail Account


Mail account to use for mail sent from FlexNet Operations: Typically left blank. Value needed only if outbound mail server requires account authentication.


Outbound Mail Password (Confirm)


Password to use for Outbound Mail Account: Provide confirmation for the password.


From-Address for Outbound Mail

flexnet-server or specify

Email sent from FlexNet Operations is sent from this email address. (Should be an actual account in the email system.)



FlexNet Application Logging Threshold

Debug Messages
Informational Messages

The maximum level of detail for the messages written to the FlexNet Operations application log file after FlexNet Operations starts: Only messages at or below the selected level of detail are displayed in the log.


FlexNet Application Performance Logging

Selected or unselected

Select to enable performance logging in the application.

Default: unselected


Session Timeout

30 or specify

If a user has been inactive for the specified amount of time (minutes), the user must log in to FlexNet Operations again.

Note:By default, this option is hidden and not editable. Contact Revenera support if you want to change the session timeout value.


Consecutive Failed Authentications

3 or specify

Number of consecutive failed attempts to log in before a user is deactivated. These attempts are counted over the Time Period for Failed Authorizations.

For a non-shared user, the specified value applies.

For a shared user, the specified value is multiplied by 2. (Example: 3 x 2 = 6; a shared user is deactivated after 6 consecutive failed login attempts within the Time Period for Failed Authorizations.)


Minutes for re-enabling a shared login after deactivation

3 or specify

The number of minutes after which a shared user account will be reactivated after it has been deactivated due to the number of Consecutive Failed Authentications having been reached.


Recaptcha Site key



The site key used to invoke the Google reCAPTCHA service on the End-User Portal. The site key is programmatically validated by the Google API.

The Google reCAPTCHA mechanism can be used for the following:

To enable a shared user whose account is locked (due to too many consecutive failed login attempts) to have their account reactivated before the Minutes for re-enabling a shared login after deactivation timeout has elapsed. In this case, the login screen of the End-User Portal shows the “I’m not a robot” check box which enables the user to validate their account.
To re-authenticate a user when sending entitlement emails (if the Use Recaptcha validation when sending entitlement emails option is selected).


Recaptcha Secret key



The secret key that authorizes communication between FlexNet Operations and the Google reCAPTCHA server to verify the shared user's response or to verify the user when sending entitlement emails. It is essential that the secret key be kept secure.


Time Period for Failed Authorizations

1440 or specify

Amount of time (minutes) during which Consecutive Failed Authentications are allowed before the user is deactivated.


Default Account for External Domain

or specify

Name of the default account to be used when the account of the external domain user does not map to any account in the FlexNet Operations application. The default account for a user belonging to an external domain is MYORG. This can be changed.





A value for X-Frame-Options in the HTTP response header. Check browser support for specified value.



HTTP Response Header P3P


A value for P3P in the HTTP response header. Specify an appropriate P3P value if a browser privacy policy is required.


Number of Days Email Copies retained

1 or specify

The total number of days the email history is retained. The Purge Email History job reads this configuration and based on the number of days set, deletes all the email copies.


Log emails in history, do not send them

Selected or unselected

When selected, emails are be logged to the email history but only reset password emails are sent.

Default: unselected

Note:For emails generated by Order Media requests, there are two emails that are triggered. One uses the template and is sent to the end user. The other does not use the template and is sent to the producer. Because this configuration setting only applies to emails generated from templates, the email sent to the producer is still sent.


Maximum Batch sizes for create / update Webservices requests

25 or specify

The batch-size maximum for requests issued from SOAP and REST web services.

The value indicates the maximum number of records allowed in a single web services batch request that results in a write. Specifying a request with a batch size greater than the limit results in an error.

Note:By default, this option is hidden and not editable. Contact Revenera support if you want to change this value.


Maximum Batch sizes for read Webservices requests

2000 or specify

The batch-size maximum for requests issued from SOAP and REST web services.

The value indicates the maximum number of records allowed in a single web services batch request for a read. Specifying a request with a batch size greater than the limit results in an error.

Note:By default, this option is hidden and not editable. Contact Revenera support if you want to change this value.


Consecutive attempts to provide correct security answer

3 or specify

Number of consecutive failed attempts to provide the correct answer to the security question after which the user will be locked out.

Minimum value: 1.


Prevent multiple browser sessions

Selected or unselected

Important:This functionality is currently available only for FlexNet Operations deployments in AWS.

When selected, concurrent sessions in the Producer Portal and End-User Portal are not allowed.

Default: unselected

Note:When multiple browser sessions are disallowed, users can still open multiple tabs.


See Also