Configuring Validators

A user must be assigned a role with the View and Manage Configurations permission to modify configuration settings for configuring validators through the Producer Portal.

Note:Before changing any configuration settings in a working FlexNet Operations instance, it is advisable to export the working configuration settings. If there is a problem with the new settings, you have a backup of working settings to restore.

To change validators configuration settings through the FlexNet Operations Producer Portal

1. Click System > Configure.
2. Click Validators to open the configuration page for validators.
3. View or change the values of the settings below.
4. Click Save Configs to save changes.

The Producer Portal saves your configuration changes.

The validator settings include the following. Note that default values are listed as the first choice. Also, required fields are indicated with an asterisk.

Validator Configurations


Possible Values



User Password Length

4 or specify

Minimum number of characters allowed for a user password by default implementation.


User Password Requires Uppercase Character

Selected or unselected

Select to enable uppercase character requirement for a user password by default implementation.

Default: unselected


User Password Requires Numeric Character

Selected or unselected

Select to enable the requirement that a user password requires a number.

Default: unselected


Temporary Password Timeout

240 or specify

The amount of time, in minutes, for which a system-generated, temporary password is valid. (FlexNet Operations generates temporary passwords for new users and for users who forget their password.) The timeout period starts when the password is generated.

For permanent (non-expiring) temporary passwords, set Temporary Password Timeout to 0.

Default: 240 minutes (4 hours).


Lock out user upon repeated password reset attempts

Selected or unselected

Select to lock out a user for a set amount of time after successive failed password reset attempts. The number of consecutive failed attempts is defined under FlexNet Platform Server > Consecutive Failed Authentications.

Default: unselected


Lockout period after failed password reset attempts

30 or specify

The number of minutes a user is locked out before being allowed to reset their password.

Default: 30 minutes


Lock out user upon repeated security question attempts

Selected or unselected

Select to lock out a user for a set amount of time after successive failed security question attempts. The number of consecutive failed attempts is defined under FlexNet Platform Server > Consecutive attempts to provide correct security answer.

Default: unselected



Lockout period after failed security question attempts

30 or specify

The number of minutes a user is locked out before allowed to answer the security question again.

Default: 30 minutes


See Also