Searching for Files

Producers can use the file search feature to locate previously uploaded files on the Producer Portal. Files have a several attributes which you can use to locate the files you are interested in. Some of these searchable attributes include

File ID—Unique value by which your company identifies individual files. The File ID may come from a release management or source code control system.
System File ID—Unique identifier assigned by the Producer Portal when a new file object is created.
File Description—A more descriptive name of the file. The File Description functions as the file name that users see on the End-User Portal download page.
File Name—Actual system level name of the file. For example,
File Status—You can search all files, files for which an image has been loaded, or files for which an image has not been loaded.
Created in Date Range (Begin)—Specifies the start of the date range in which the file was created. Used in conjunction with Created in Date Range (End) to express the beginning date of that range.
Created in Date Range (End)—Specifies the end of the date range in which the file was created. Used in conjunction with Created in Date Range (Begin) to express the ending date of that range.
Last Uploaded (Begin)—Specifies the start of the date range in which the file was last uploaded. Used in conjunction with Last Uploaded (End) to express the beginning date of that range.
Last Uploaded (End)—Specifies the end of the date range in which the file was last uploaded. Used in conjunction with Last Uploaded (Begin) to express the ending date of that range.

Note:A file’s searchable attributes may also include the values for any custom file attributes you have defined. To learn more about custom attributes, including custom file attributes, see Administering Custom Attributes.

For more information about file attributes, see About File Attributes.

Tip:To return a list of all files, leave the search criteria blank and click Search. Empty searches match all files.

To search for a file

1. Click Products > Search Files. The Search Files page opens.
2. Enter your file search criteria and click Search. The Producer Portal shows a list of the files that match your search criteria on the Search Results: Files page.

From the Search Results: Files page, you can click:

Search Again to run another file search.
Export to export a set of files as a Data Import Template file (see Importing and Exporting Entities).
Upload files to upload the files to FlexNet Operations so they are available for your customers to download from the End-User Portal.
3. Click the File ID for the file you want to view.

The Producer Portal shows the View File page for the file you selected.

Note:The file search is not case sensitive and supports the use of the asterisk character as a wildcard. (Wildcards cannot be used for System ID values.)

Click on the file ID of a file to show its View File page. On a file’s View File page, you can

View file details, restrictions, transactions, emails, and downloads.
Find all the products where this file is used (View > Where Used).
Edit the file information.
Upload a file (that is, upload the actual bits associated with this file object).
Associate the file with one or more download packages.
Associate the file with all the download packages to which some other file is associated. (For example, use Widget_2_1.ReadMe.txt wherever Widget_2_1.exe is found.)

See the table of topics in Managing Download Files for a list of tasks you can perform on a file.

See Also