About File Attributes

The following attributes apply to files, and are especially important when you are adding files or editing file information.




File ID

A unique ID used to associate the file with its file image and with download packages.

System File ID

A unique internal numeric identifier of the file.

File Description

The name of the file to be displayed to users in the End-User Portal (maximum 500 characters). The file description is required when adding a new file. It should be brief but descriptive, for example, Enterprise Server 2.4 Solaris or Enterprise Server 2.4 Documentation.


A read-only attribute that indicates if the current file is an alias of another file or if any aliases have been created for the current file. If aliases exist for the current file, their IDs are listed here. If the current file is an alias, the ID of the original file appears here. Click a file ID to go to the View File page for that file.

Extended Description

An optional attribute for providing additional information about the file (maximum 1000 characters).

Delivery Source

Indicates if the file is an external source or uploaded to FlexNet Operations.

Note:The External delivery source should only be selected if you are using the Updates and Insights module to deliver file download URLs programmatically via the REST APIs. For all files that should be available for download via the End-User Portal, use FlexNet Operations as the Delivery Source.

External Source

If the External delivery source is selected, the URL where the file is located.

File Size (bytes)

The file size in bytes. For files with a FlexNet Operations delivery source, this is automatically calculated and cannot be changed by the user. For files with an External delivery source, this field can be changed by the user either manually or using the calculator icon to automatically calculate the file size.

Note:The calculator icon only works on external sources that use either the HTTP or HTTPS protocols. Any other protocol returns a file size of 0.

MD5 CheckSum

A 32-character hash algorithm used for validating data integrity. For files with a FlexNet Operations delivery source, this field is maintained by the Application and cannot be changed by the User. For files with an External delivery source, this field is manually entered by the user.

SHA2 CheckSum

The 64-character hash algorithm used for validating data integrity. For files with a FlexNet Operations delivery source, this field is maintained by the Application and cannot be changed by the User. For files with an External delivery source, this field is manually entered by the user.

Execute Upon Download?

When selected, the FlexNet Embedded client will execute it as part of the software update download process.

File Name

The name of the file image to be uploaded, for example filename.zip (maximum 255 characters).

When you add a file, the file name is optional and, when the file image is uploaded, its filename overwrites any value in the File Name field. (The file name is required after a file image has been uploaded.) After the file image is uploaded, the file name can be edited to show a different file name to End-User Portal users.

Non-ASCII characters are not allowed in the file name.

File Status

A read-only attribute that shows the status of a file. A file’s status can be

Loaded—A file image has been uploaded for the file.
Not Loaded—No file image is currently related to the file because no image has been uploaded or because the upload process has not completed.
Deleted—A previously uploaded file image has been deleted. (If you successfully upload a new file image, the file’s status changes to Loaded.)

Download Available

The status of the download.

No—Download not available
Yes—Download available.


A read-only attribute that shows whether or not your account is the owner of the file. (Files can be shared with other accounts, but only the file’s owner can change the file and only one account can be the owner.)


Indicates whether or not the file has any restrictions.

File Size

The size of the uploaded file image in bytes.

MD5 CheckSum

The MD5 checksum value for the file.

SHA2 CheckSum

The SHA2 checksum value for the file.

Last Uploaded

The most recent date a file image was uploaded for the file.

Last Retrieved From Location

The location from which the most recent file image upload originated.

Content Detail

An optional attribute for additional details to be shown to End-User Portal users when they click the Content Detail expansion for this file. If the file image is a ZIP or JAR file, the zipinfo data is added to this field during the file image upload.

If necessary, you can edit the information in Content Detail, after the file image has been uploaded, to change what End-User Portal users see when they expand the Content Detail.

Files can also have custom (Producer-defined) attributes. To learn more about custom attributes, including custom file attributes, see Administering Custom Attributes.

See Also