Associating a Download Package to a Product

You can associate a download package to one or more products from the download package’s View Download Package page. The Associate menu on the View Download Package page includes two different commands for building download package-product associations:

Associate to Products—Allows you to identify one or more products by providing a product ID or searching for products to associate.
Associate Where—Allows you to quickly associate a number of products with the current download package by copying the product associations from one or more other download packages.

Using Associate to Products to Build Download Package-Product Associations

When you associate a download package to a product, you are indicating that the download package is included within the product. The Associate to Product command allows you to associate this download package to one or more products. Enter the product IDs or search for the products you want to associate with this download package. An existing customer with access to the product has immediate access to new download packages associated to the product.

To associate a download package to products

1. On the View Download Package page, click Associate > Associate to Products. This link opens the Associate Download Package to Products page.
2. Identify the products to associate. Choose whether to enter product IDs or to search for products:
Enter product IDs when you already know the product IDs or system product IDs of the products you want to associate.
1. In the Product IDs field, type the product IDs as a comma-separated list or enter them one per line. Note: If you enter system product IDs, remember to select the Use System IDs check box.
2. Click Associate Products.
Search for products by entering search criteria if you do not know the IDs of the products you want to associate.
1. Type your search criteria into the product search fields.
2. Click Search. The Producer Portal shows a list of products that match your criteria.
3. Select the products to associate and click Associate Download Package to Selected Products.

Important:A product ID is a combination of the product name and product version with a syntax like the following: <product name>::<product versions>. For example, SalesView Standard::1.0. One ramification of the product ID syntax is that a search for the product by its product name does not match the product ID. For best results, use an asterisk as a wildcard character to be sure your product search captures the product you are looking for. For example, SalesView Standard*.

The Producer Portal creates associations between the current download package and the products you identified and opens the Where Download Package Used page for the current download package.

Using Associate Where to Copy Product Associations from Other Download Package

Associate Where copies the product associations of one or more existing download packages. This approach allows you to quickly associate the current download package with all the products to which one or more other download packages are already associated.

To associate a download package with another download package’s files

1. On the View Download Package page, click Associate > Associate Where. This link opens the Associate this Download Package to Files Where Other Download Packages Are Found page.
2. Identify the download packages from which to copy product associations. Choose whether to enter download package IDs, directly, or to search for download packages:
Enter download package IDs when you already know the download package IDs or system IDs of the download packages from which you want to copy associations.
1. In the Download Package IDs field, type the download package IDs as a comma-separated list or enter them one per line. Note: If you enter system IDs, remember to select the Use System IDs check box.
2. Click Associate.
Enter file search criteria if you do not know the IDs of the download packages you want to associate.
1. Type your search criteria into the download package search fields.
2. Click Search. The Producer Portal shows a list of download packages that match your criteria.
3. Select the download package to associate and click Associate to Files of Selected Download Packages.

The Producer Portal creates associations based on the product associations of the download packages you identified and opens the Where Download Package Used page for the current package. All products associated with the download packages you identified are now also associated with the current download package.

See Also