Associating a Download Package to Files

You can associate a download package to one or more files from the View Download Package page. The products to which you associate the download package can be identified by their product IDs, their system IDs, or located via a file search.

To associate a download package to files

1. On the View Download Package page, click Associate > Associate Files. This link opens the Associate Download Package to Files page.
2. Identify the files to associate. Choose whether to enter file IDs or to search for files:
Enter file IDs when you already know the file IDs or system IDs of the files you want to associate.
a. In the File IDs field, type the file IDs as a comma-separated list or enter them one per line. Note: If you enter system file IDs, remember to select the Use System IDs check box.
b. Click Associate Files.
Search for files by entering search criteria if you do not know the IDs of the files you want to associate.
a. Type your search criteria into the file search fields.
b. Click Search. The Producer Portal shows a list of files that match your criteria.
c. Select the files to associate and click Associate File to Selected Files.

The Producer Portal creates associations between the current download package and the files you identified and opens the Where Download Package Used page for the current download package.

See Also