Preparing FlexNet Operations

Before creating an update, you must create an additional download package using the Producer Portal. An update requires two packages, Release From (the download package the update is for), and Release To (the download package that will be delivered for the update). An update can have several Release From packages but only one Release To per software platform. The exercises in section Getting Started with Electronic Software Delivery created two packages, an installer and a product documentation package. These exercises will create a second installer package.

This preparation includes the following exercises:

Preparing FlexNet Operations



Creating a Download Package

Adds a download package for the products in the LargeFormat product line.

Associating a Download Package with a Product

Links the new download package to a product.

Creating Download Files

Creates files and uploads file images for the files that will be the deliverables in the download package.

Associating Download Files with a Download Package

Links the new files with the download packages to tie products to their deliverables.