Updates and Insights Next Steps

Before carrying out the following steps, it is recommended that the device is registered with FlexNet Operations. This enables you to verify that an update has been successful.

Registration can be achieved:

Using the FlexNet Operations Producer Portal
Carrying out a capability request with a valid activation ID
Using the /registrations REST API in the Notification Server. This last method is particularly recommended for anonymous devices, because they will not have an activation ID to be able to execute a capability request. The
/registrations API allows a device to register itself with FlexNet Operations, and avoids the manual step of using the Producer Portal.

The next steps walk you through exercises showing how to request updates using the REST APIs.

The REST API calls, with examples of their payloads and responses, are shown below. The steps differ depending on whether the updates and manifests that you request are signed or not.

Steps for Requesting Updates and Manifests include the following:

Requesting Updates
Polling for Updates
Requesting the Manifest
Polling for Manifest

Steps for Requesting Signed Updates and Manifests include the following:

Obtaining the Public Key
Requesting Signed Updates
Polling for Signed Updates
Requesting the Signed Manifest
Polling for Signed Manifest

Finally, verify the update in the FlexNet Operations Producer Portal as described in Verifying the Update.