Polling for Manifest
Poll for the manifest using the provided polling URL. If a 202 response code is received, repeat the polling until a 200 response is received.
To poll for the manifest
Make a GET call to https://<siteID>-ns-uat.flexnetoperations.com/uai/2.0/updates/manifests/16489f0c-3b34-abfa-b342-3fe2459023e1.
Body Type |
Code |
Request Body |
N/A |
Response Body |
{ "manifestVersion": "1.0", "manifestFiles": [ { "fileUrl": "https://example.com/filename.txt", "fileSize": "2781", "md5Hash": "624fd6479cbc870e2ed53db729827954", "sha256Hash":"cfffe67239921fbde19f4d1994bafb49016e7bd257f8ef81fe63501b81872346", "execute": "no" } ] } |
This step completes the registration.