List Sent Emails

The Producer Portal allows you to list, view, and resend emails previously sent. Email retention is defined by a retention policy set in the system configuration. To prevent performance issues, sent email has a set number of days that it is retained. See Configuring the FlexNet Platform Server for more information on setting this configuration.

You can show all emails sent by clicking the Sent Emails link in the System menu.

Important:If FlexNet Operations is running in an Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment, FlexNet Operations can only send emails to addresses and domains that have been verified by AWS beforehand. For more information and procedural information, see section Verifying Email Addresses and Domains (AWS Only).

Note:Email is only retained for a limited number of days as set by the email retention policy. See Configuring the FlexNet Platform Server for more information.

To list all sent emails

1. Click Administer > Sent Emails.

The Producer Portal opens the Sent Emails page. By default, the emails are listed by the Sent date (most recent first).

The table contains the following columns:





Lists the subject of the email with a link to view the details of the email.

Note:If the template used to create the email has the View Email in Sent history setting turned off, the subject line does not contain a link and the details of the email cannot be viewed, nor can the email be resent.

Email Type

Lists the template used to create the email.


List of the recipients on the To list of the email. If there is more than one, they are all displayed in a comma separated list.


The date the email was sent.

To search sent emails

1. Use the drop-down menu to select the search criteria. Options include:
Template Name
Sent Before
Sent After
Sent On
2. Enter a value to search on.

To download a list of sent emails

1. From the Sent Emails page, click the download icon to download a list of the sent emails.
2. The downloaded file is in the format: SentEmails-timestamp.csv. For example: .SentEmails-2017-03-28-12-14-11.csv. The CSV file contains the following columns:




Email Type

The template used to generate the email.


The subject of the email.

TO Recipient

The address(es) the email was sent to.

CC Recipient

The address(es) the email was CC’d to.


The address that sent the email.


The timestamp the email was sent.

See Also