Moving a Device

A device that does not have a customer account assigned to it can be moved from one account to a related account. For example, the parent account can move the device from one of its child accounts (a regional division, for example) to another child account.

When a device is moved, any entitlements that belong to that device are moved as well. The result of such a move is to either create new entitlements for the receiving account, or to increment the count of that account’s existing (and matching) entitlements by the count on the device that was moved.

Note: Auto-provisioned license servers that have entitlements mapped for metered features cannot be moved to another account. Refer to Auto-Provisioning for more information.

You can move a device from the default view for a device or server page.

To move a device

1. Click Edit > Move Device/Server. The Move Host page opens.
2. In the Target Account section, click the System Account ID search icon. The End Customer and Channel Partners window opens.
a. Choose an account.
b. Click Save.

The End Customer and Channel Partners window closes, the System Account ID is set to the ID of the account you chose, and the Account ID and Account Name fields are populated.

3. Click Move Device/Server.

The Producer Portal changes the account of the device and opens its default view for a device or server page.

See Also