Removing Licenses

Licenses already mapped to a device can be manually removed via the default view for a device or server page. Licenses that are unmapped are returned to the pool of unused licenses.

The following table lists limitations for removing licenses from a license server:

Server Type


Local License Server

Only concurrent licenses that are not in use can be removed from a local license server. To remove used licenses, you must unmap the licenses before deleting them. Licenses that are currently in use cannot be removed.

CLS Instance

Licenses for counted features that are currently in use cannot be removed. You must unmap used licenses first before deleting them. (Only licenses for uncounted features that are currently in use can be removed.)
At any one time, you can remove licenses from a total of five activation IDs.

Auto-Provisioned License Server

Only unused licenses for metered features can be removed using Licenses > Remove Licenses. Refer to Auto-Provisioning for more information.

To remove a license

1. Click Licenses > Remove Licenses. The Remove Licenses page opens. On this page, the Licenses Currently Mapped table lists licenses that can be removed from the current device.
2. In the Licenses Currently Mapped table, type values into Qty to remove for the licenses you want to remove.
3. Click Save.

The Producer Portal removes the licenses from the current device and shows its default view for a device or server page.

See Also