Mapping an Entitlement

Devices often include pre-installed licenses but also permit the addition of new features or more capacity via additional entitlements.

When the current account of a device is entitled to additional capabilities, you can manually map those entitlements to it via the Producer Portal. (Entitlements can also be mapped programmatically from the device using an activation ID.)

You can map entitlements from the default view for a device or server page.

To map an entitlement

1. Click Licenses > Map Entitlements. The Map Entitlements page opens. The table lists entitlements that can be mapped to the current device.

Tip:When an entitlement has been upgraded, upsold, or renewed, the Map Entitlements page shows only the most recent entitlement in its lifecycle chain. Earlier entitlements are grouped under the most recent entitlement but initially hidden. These entitlement groups have a Show Upgrades button to reveal earlier entitlements in the list.

2. In the table, type values into Qty to add for the entitlements you want to map.
3. (Optional) If the capability is enabled, you can override an entitlement’s configured Expiration, as shown in the Licenses table, with a shorter-term expiration. (Refer to About Overriding the Expiration Date of an Entitlement for details.)

To override an entitlement’s expiration,

a. Click the pencil icon next to its expiration. The Producer Portal opens a calendar control.
b. In the calendar control, select the shorter-term expiration.

After the change is saved, the new expiration appears in the Licenses table of the default view for a device or server page, and is denoted by an asterisk in the table on the device’s Map Entitlements page.

4. Click Save.

The entitlement is mapped to the current device and its default view for a device or server page is shown.

See Also