Configuring Counts

If the entitlement line item contains a certificate-based, counted license model (nodelocked or floating), you are prompted to specify a fulfill count for each server host ID. If the entitlement line item contains a

nodelocked uncounted license and you define multiple node-locked host IDs, then:
multiple licenses files are created, one for each node-locked host ID.
the Copies value for the entitlement line item decrements by the number of node-locked hosts you define.
nodelocked counted license and you define multiple server host IDs, each with multiple node-locked hosts, then:
multiple licenses files are created, one for each server host ID.
the Copies value for the entitlement line item decrements by the sum of the fulfillment counts for each server.
floating counted license and you define multiple server host IDs, then:
multiple licenses files are created, one for each server host ID.
the Copies value for the entitlement line item decrements by the sum of the fulfillment counts for each server.
floating uncounted license and you define multiple server host IDs, then:
multiple licenses files are created, one for each server host ID.
the Copies value for the entitlement line item decrements by the number of server hosts you define.

If this is an upgrade, upsell, or renewal entitlement line item, the available information and options in the Configure Counts page are different, depending on the product’s license model.

Important:FlexNet Operations does not evaluate the count of available copies when an upgrade is created. Therefore, it is possible to create an upgrade count that exceeds the number of available copies; however, the count is evaluated at fulfillment time. On fulfillment, upgrades that exceed the available count are rejected. To avoid errors at fulfillment time, users can invoke the method getExactAvailableCount(), which returns the exact number of copies available for upgrade fulfillment. This method is available as a webservice call and also as part of public API.

1. Review the prepopulated fields on the Configure Counts page. The number of data fields that are displayed varies, depending on how the license model is defined. An important value in this list is:

Total Remaining Copies: The number of copies in the entitlement line item that can be activated. This is the maximum number of licenses that the customer can fulfill against this entitlement line item, regardless of whether the fulfillment is a new or is an upgrade, upsell, or renewal of another product.

2. Copies Available to Activate Without Upgrading Previous Fulfillments:

Use these fields to define the number of copies you to activate without upgrading an existing product.

Configure Count Fields



Available Copies

The number of copies in the entitlement line item that can be fulfilled as a new activation. It does not include the number of copies that are available as an upgrade to another product. This does not include Extra Activations.

Extra Activations Available

This number is set when you define the license model. This is the number of extra copies of the product (beyond those purchased) that are available to be activated.

Pending Copies

If you have defined multiple server host IDs, this value is the number of copies that have already been assigned to the other Hosts IDs in this activation action.

Fulfill Count

The total number of licenses you want to fulfill for this server host ID. Specify a fulfill count for each of the fulfillments you are generating. In the case of the floating counted license model, you must specify a count for each server or three-server configuration on which you want licenses activated. In the case of the node-locked counted license model, you must provide counts for each server (or three-server configuration) specified, and the nodelocked hosts attached to that server.

Remaining Overdraft

The number of remaining unused Overdraft Licenses.


Enter the number of Overdraft licenses you want to allow for this server host ID.

3. Copies Available To Upgrade From Previous Fulfillments on host <Host ID>

Use these fields to define the number of copies you want to activate as part of upgrading an existing product. This question is displayed for each server host ID defined on the previous page.

Configure Count Types



Available <Upgrade/Upsell/Renew> Count

This value is not editable and displays the total number of copies previously fulfilled for this server host ID that can be upgraded, upsold, or renewed to this new product.

Upgrade Count

This field is displayed when you are activating licenses for an upgrade, upsell, or renewal entitlement line item.

The number of copies of earlier products that have been activated for this server host ID. Define the number of copies that you want to upgrade/upsell/or renew for this to this new product.

This entry allows the upgrade to occur on licenses that have already been fulfilled.

4. What kind of Activation do you want to perform on this host?

This is displayed only when the license model is uncounted and is displayed for each server host ID defined on the previous page. When the license model is uncounted, you activate one copy at a time. The answer to this question tells the system how that single copy is to be activated.

<Upgrade/Upsell>: you activate this copy by upgrading or upselling an existing product (that is, fulfillment). If you select this, you are presented with a list of entitlement line items that references fulfillments products previously activated for that server host ID and that can be upgraded or upsold to this new product. You can choose which product you want to be upgraded/upsold.
Activate: you activate this copy by creating a new fulfillment for this server host ID.
None: you do not activate any copies of this product for this server host ID.
5. Finish specifying the Configure Counts properties. Then click Next to go to the Generate Licenses - Review page.

Note:When the activation includes multiple host IDs, an arrow in the Hosts list indicates the current host ID. Clicking Next on the Configure Counts page advances to the next host ID. When counts are configured for the last host ID, clicking Next advances you to the Review step.

See Also