Deleting an Account

An account or sub-account can be deleted from FlexNet Operations. You can use the Delete Account or the Delete Subtree buttons on the Manage Accounts page to delete accounts.

Delete Account—removes the selected accounts. If the account has sub-accounts, those sub-accounts no longer have a parent account. The sub-accounts are retained but become top-level accounts. (For example, any sub-accounts of a deleted customer account become regular customer accounts.) Any sub-accounts that were also parents of sub-accounts also retain the hierarchy of sub-accounts beneath them.
Delete Subtree—removes the selected account and all the sub-accounts in its hierarchy.

To delete an account

1. Click Accounts & Users > All Accounts. The Producer Portal opens the Manage Accounts page.
2. Click the tab for the Account Type (Producers, Customers, Partners, or Self Registered) of the accounts you want to delete.
3. In the Manage Accounts list, select the accounts or sub-accounts you want to delete.
4. Click Delete Account.
5. Click OK to confirm deletion.

The Producer Portal deletes the selected accounts and refreshes the Manage Accounts page.

To delete an account and all its sub-accounts

1. Click Accounts & Users > All Accounts. The Producer Portal opens the Manage Accounts page.
2. Click the tab for the Account Type (Producers, Customers, Partners, or Self Registered) of the accounts you want to delete.
3. In the Manage Accounts list, select the parent account to delete.

Remember that this operation deletes the selected account and all its sub-accounts.

4. Click Delete Subtree.
5. Click OK to confirm deletion.

The Producer Portal deletes the selected account along with its account hierarchy and refreshes the Manage Accounts page.

See Also