Setting Alert Subscriptions

After you have set the behavior of an alert type, you can set up to three email subscriptions for that alert type. Users assigned a role with the View and Manage Alert Configurations permission can set an alert subscription.

To set an email subscription for an alert type

1. In the user menu, click your name and then click Alert Subscriptions.
2. Click Subscribe/Edit for one of the alert types.
3. In the Create/Edit Alert Subscription page, set the following properties:
Inbox Notification: Choose whether or not to display the alert in the Alerts page. Once the alert has been displayed in the page, it is not displayed again unless the alert is dismissed and the alert condition remains uncorrected.
Show Additional Email Notifications: Select the box to configure more than one email subscription. One email notification per detected alert is sent for each email subscription that is specified for an alert. Consider setting up multiple email subscriptions with different trigger times to escalate alerts to different email recipients if an alert condition is not corrected.

To configure email subscription properties

1. Select the Enabled check box for the subscription.
2. Supply the following information for the alert subscription:
Trigger time: Minutes, hours, days after the alert date or days before the alert date. The alert date is the time the alert condition began, and the trigger time is the time offset from the alert date when the alert email is triggered, but not necessarily sent. Email with a trigger delay is sent when the alert condition is next checked after the trigger time has passed, if the triggering alert has not been dismissed.

Note that if an email subscription is set with a trigger time delay (for example, 1 hour) less than the detection interval (for example, 1 day), an email could be triggered by an alert condition on Monday, but not actually be sent until the alert is checked again on Tuesday (if the alert was not dismissed). Therefore, for clarity, set a trigger time to be a multiple of the Detection and Notification Interval.

We strongly recommend setting one subscription to trigger immediately upon detection of the event and setting trigger time delays only on additional subscriptions.

Send Email to: Address for alert email. Multiple email address can be specified in a comma-separated list.
3. Click Save.

See Also