Viewing Feature Bundles

Feature bundles can be viewed on the Feature Bundle page.

To open the Feature Bundle page

Click Products > Feature Bundles.

The Feature Bundle page automatically displays recently accessed feature bundles. To view all feature bundles, select Feature Bundles from the Search For choice list, and click the Simple Search button. You can also search for feature bundles based on specific criteria. The table below describes some of the actions you can perform from the Feature Bundles page.

Viewing Feature Bundles Capabilities



Add a new feature bundle from scratch

To add a new feature bundle, click Add New Feature Bundle. (See Creating a Feature Bundle.)

Make a new feature bundle from a copy of an existing feature bundle

To copy a feature bundle, select exactly one feature bundle and click the Copy button. Then, follow the guidelines in Creating a Feature Bundle.

Delete a feature bundle

To delete a feature bundle, select one or more feature bundles and click the Delete button.

Note:Deployed feature bundles cannot be deleted.

Change the state of a feature bundle

Feature bundles can be in one of the following states: draft or deployed.

Print a feature bundle

To print a feature bundle, select one or more feature bundles and click the Print button.

See Also