Creating a Feature Bundle

You can create a new feature bundle in the Producer Portal from the Feature Bundle page of the Package Products pages.

Tip:Save time by starting with a copy of an existing feature bundle. Select the feature bundle you want to copy, click Copy, type a new feature bundle name, make any other necessary changes, and save the new feature bundle. This approach can save time and reduce the chance for errors.

To create a feature bundle

1. Click Products > Feature Bundles. This link opens the Feature Bundle page.
2. Click Add New Feature Bundle.
3. Provide values for the following fields:

Feature Bundle Values



Feature Bundle Name

Name to uniquely identify the feature bundle. The name can contain spaces.


Describe the characteristics of this feature bundle that make it unique.


A feature bundle can be in one of two states:

Draft: A feature bundle is created as a draft that can be modified or deleted; draft feature bundles can contain draft or deployed features. A draft or deployed feature bundle can be added to a product in the draft state.
Deployed: If a product is deployed, all the draft features and feature bundles it contains are also deployed. After a feature bundle is deployed to use in production, it cannot be deleted or modified.


4. To add features to the feature bundle, click the Add Features button. A pop-up window appears in which you can search for and select one or more of the Available Features. Note that the list of features may be large enough to appear on multiple pages in the pop-up window.
a. Select the features you want to add.
b. Click the right arrow to move those features to the Selected Features list.
c. When the Selected Features list is complete, click the Add button to add the features to the feature bundle.

Note:To remove one or more features from the list of features in the feature bundle, select the features and click the Remove Features button.

5. On the Create a Feature Bundle page, if necessary, modify the Quantity to change the count of the feature in the feature bundle.

For example, say the count of a Feature A is 3 in feature bundle FB1. When one unit of FB1 is added to a product, a license generated for the product contains 3 counts of Feature A.

6. Complete the feature bundle by clicking Save, Next, or Add New Feature Bundle.
Click Save to save the feature bundle.
Click Next to save the feature bundle and show the Products page.
Click Add New Feature Bundle to save the feature bundle and start to create another feature bundle.

Note:If necessary, click the Reset button to reset all the feature bundle fields.

Tip:After a feature bundle has been saved, you can view the history of its state changes by clicking the View History button.