Managing Producers

Producers can be created, modified, deactivated, and reactivated on the Producer Portal. The following topics provide information about producers and instructions on how to manage them.




About Producers

Discusses how producers are used in the Producer Portal and how they appear to End-User Portal users.

Listing Producers

Shows how to display all producers.

Creating a Producer

Explains how to add a producer.

Viewing a Producer’s Transactions

Explains how to view the transaction history of a selected producer.

Editing a Producer

Describes how to change a producer’s name.

Reidentifying a Producer

Describes how to use the Reidentify command to change a producer’s ID.

Deactivating a Producer

Shows how to change an active producer’s status to Inactive.

Reactivating a Producer

Shows how to change a deactivated producer’s status back to Active.

See Also