About Custom Content

Producers can modify the on-page instructions of End-User Portal pages—typically the content at the top of a page just below the page title—by creating custom content in the Producer Portal. One common use for custom content is to add announcements to the End-User Portal’s home page. Producers can also create custom, standalone HTML pages to be included in the End-User Portal using the Custom Content feature.

To use custom content to modify on-page instructions of regular End-User Portal pages, first identify the End-User Portal page you want to customize. Next, on that page, determine the custom content ID of the portion you plan to customize. Then use the controls on the Custom Content page, along with your custom text or HTML, to create the new content. The custom content you create replaces the standard content (corresponding to the custom content ID) on the End-User Portal page.

Use the pages listed in Pages That Support Custom Content to determine which custom content ID to use when you create content. For example, use NotificationLogContent to alter the instructions on the Downloads page that appears when a user clicks on a download package on the Download Packages page.

Tip:To add announcements to the End-User Portal’s home page, edit the HTML for custom content ID: epAnnouncements. Announcements are rendered on the home page in the Announcements panel.

To use custom content to create custom, standalone pages, add content from the Custom Content page but be sure to use a unique, unused custom content ID.

Additional information about custom content attributes, status, supported pages, and so forth appears in the following sections:

Custom Content Attributes
Custom Content Status
Pages That Support Custom Content
Localization and Custom Content
Additional Notes and Tips for Content Customization

For information about using custom content to support trial registrations, see About Product Trial Registration Support .

Custom Content Attributes

The following attributes are relevant to Producer Portal users who are creating or editing custom content to be shown in their End-User Portals.

Custom Content Attributes



Custom Content ID

A unique ID that can be used to identify custom content in FlexNet Operations.

When custom content is to replace existing, standard content on an End-User Portal page, this ID must match the ID of the content it replaces.

When custom content is intended to introduce a new page to the End-User Portal, this ID must be unique and otherwise unused in the End-User Portal.


A longer, descriptive name for custom content.

Hide from Portal?

A switch that determines whether live custom content appears on the End-User Portal.

Selected—Hide the custom content from End-User Portal users even if the custom content is the live version.
Unselected—Show the custom content to End-User Portal users if it is the live version.

Default: Unselected.

Hide from Portal is a control that appears on the Create Content and Edit Content pages.


The template to use for the custom content.

Currently, only one template is available: TrialRegistration. This template is purpose built to support free trial registrations in the End-User Portal. In all other cases, leave the Template setting blank.


The status of the custom content version. For custom content, status can be Live, Draft, or Archived. (See Custom Content Status, below.)

Status is a value that appears in the list of custom content items on the Custom Content page.

Last Modified

The date the custom content was last changed.

Last Modified is a value that appears in the list of custom content items on the Custom Content page.

Modified By

The Producer Portal user who last changed the custom content.

Modified By is a value that appears in the list of custom content items on the Custom Content page.


The relative URL for custom content in the End-User Portal. For standalone pages built from custom content, this URL can be used for links that target the custom content page.

Permalink is an attribute that appears on the Edit Content page.

Content Version

The version of the custom content for the current custom content ID. Content Version values show the status and version of custom content. For example: Draft / 1 or Live / 2.

Content Version is a control that appears on the Edit Content page.


The text or HTML to be used in the End-User Portal.

Custom Content Status

Similar to email template status values, custom content items can have one of three status values:

Live—The current version of the content that appears in your End-User Portal. Only one version of a custom content item can be live at any given time.
Draft—A work-in-progress version of new custom content or an existing custom content item that is being revised. Custom content items in draft state are not shown in the End-User Portal. Only one version of a custom content item can be in draft status at any given time.
Archived—Formerly live versions of a custom content item. Archived versions are preserved in the system and can be made live, again, if your account is required to roll back changes made to the live version.

A custom content item’s status is shown on the Custom Content page.

Pages That Support Custom Content

The following table lists End-User Portal pages that support custom content, the custom content IDs for the customizable items, and a description of how the content is used for each custom content ID.

Note:It is also possible to create custom, standalone pages for the End-User Portal using your own custom content ID. The Trial Registration page is a special standalone page that producers can implement using the TrialRegistration template.

Pages That Support Custom Content

Portal Page

Content ID


(End-User Portal Announcements)


The Announcements panel on the home page can display messages from your account to its end users. This content is rendered on the home page unless the End-User Portal system configuration setting: Hide Announcements Widget is selected. (It is unselected by default.)



Displayed when the user is presented with a list of producers. If only one producer is available, the end user sees only the list of available product lines (no producer choice when files from only one producer are available).

This is the page that appears when an end user chooses Downloads > List Downloads in the End-User Portal, for example.

This content is rendered under the page title (Downloads) and above the list of producers and product lines.

Download Packages (Download Package Versions)


The Download Packages page is the page that appears when an end user chooses a product line on the Producers page (the page the End-User Portal shows when end users click Downloads > List Downloads).

This content is displayed when the New Versions tab is rendered and there are previous (archived) versions available for the product line selected.

Download Packages (Download Package Versions)


The Download Packages page is the page that appears when an end user chooses a product line on the Producers page (the page the End-User Portal shows when end users click Downloads > List Downloads).

This content is displayed when the Previous Versions tab is rendered and there are new (current) versions available for the product line selected.

Download Packages (View Download Order)


The Download Order page is the page that appears when an end user clicks Download Now on the Entitlements page (the page the End-User Portal shows when end users click Activation & Entitlements > List Entitlements).

This content is displayed when the New Versions tab is selected.

Download Packages (View Download Order)


The Download Order page is the page that appears when an end user clicks Download Now on the Entitlements page (the page the End-User Portal shows when end users click Activation & Entitlements > List Entitlements).

This content is displayed when the Archived Versions tab is selected.

Download Search


This content is displayed on the Download Search page and rendered under the page title and above the search controls.

Download Files


Displayed on the Downloads page. This is the page that appears when an end user clicks on a download package on the Downloads page. This content is present when the Files tab is active. It is rendered below the page title (Downloads) and above the download package name.

Note that download package-specific content is still maintained via the download package Download Instructions attribute. (Download instructions appear below the download package name and just above the Files, Download Log, and Notification Log tabs.)

Download Log


Displayed on the Downloads page when the Download Log tab is active and the Download Log tab is showing its default Files Downloaded view. It is rendered below the page title (Downloads) and above the download package name.

Note that the Download Log tab can show three different views: Files Downloaded, Download Transactions, and Download Details. Each view corresponds to a separate HTML content entry.

Download Log Detail


This content is displayed on the Downloads page for a download package when a user clicks a file name on the Download Log tab. (Clicking a file name shows the Download Log’s Download Transactions view for that file.) The custom content for DownloadDetailContent is rendered below the page title (Downloads) and above the download package name.

Note that the Download Log tab can show three different views: Files Downloaded, Download Transactions, and Download Details. Each view corresponds to a separate custom content entry.

Download Log Detail File


This content is displayed on the Downloads page for a download package when a user clicks a date-time value on the transaction list on the tab’s Download Transactions view. (Clicking a time-date value shows the Download Log’s Download Details view.) The custom content for DownloadDetailFileContent is rendered below the page title (Downloads) and above the download package name.

Note that the Download Log tab can show three different views: Files Downloaded, Download Transactions, and Download Details. Each view corresponds to a separate custom content entry.

Notification Log


Displayed on the Notification Log accessible from the Download page. Custom content for NotificationLogContent is rendered below the page title (Downloads) and above the download package name.



Displayed on the Available Downloads page. The Available Downloads page is shown when a user clicks the Download Now link for an entitlement on the List Entitlements page.

The Available Downloads page shows download packages for the products in the entitlement that include downloads. Custom content for DownloadOrderContent is rendered below the page title (Available Downloads) and above the Activation ID.

View Recent Files


Displayed on the View Recent Files page on the Home page for specific implementation.

View Recent Products


Displayed on the View Recent Products page.



Displayed on the landing page when no downloads are available for the current user.

Files Not Downloaded


Displayed on the Files Not Downloaded page when no downloads are available for the current user.

Claim and Activate


Displayed on the Claim and Activate page. Custom content for ClaimAndActivateContent is rendered below the page title (Claim and Activate) and above the form inputs on that page.

Map by Activation IDs


Displayed on the Map by Activation IDs page. Custom content for AddOnUserEntryContent is rendered below the page title (Map by Activation IDs) and above the Device ID and Activation IDs field.

Password Reset


Displayed when a user clicks the Forgot Password link on the sign-in page. On the Password Reset page, the user is asked for their user ID and then asked to correctly answer their security question.

Expiring Entitlements


Displayed when, in the End-User Portal, a user clicks Activations & Entitlements > Expiring Entitlements. On the Expiring Entitlements page, the End-User Portal shows a list of entitlements in which the entitlements due to expire soonest are listed first. ExpiringEntitlementsContent is rendered below the page title and above the list of entitlements. (Default: blank.)

Localization and Custom Content

Producers can localize the following custom content IDs, used to display custom instructions and information on specific End-User Portal pages:

Download Files (Content ID: DownloadContent)
Home (End-User Portal Announcements) (Content ID: epAnnouncements)
Password Reset (Content ID: ForgotOrResetPassword)

Custom content IDs are defined using the System > Custom Content page (see Listing Custom Content ).

To localize the content associated with the IDs listed above, you must add the locale code as a suffix to the ID. For example, to localize the epAnouncements content for France, add the “-fr_FR” suffix to the ID: epAnnouncements-fr_FR.

For step-by-step instructions, see Localizing Custom Content.

Additional Notes and Tips for Content Customization

A short list of tips to keep in mind as you customize End-User Portal pages.

Remember that custom content items replace the content in question rather than appending to it.
To revert the content of an End-User Portal page back to the standard content, edit the page’s customized HTML content (Edit Custom Content Data) so that its Hide from Portal attribute is selected.
A completely empty custom content file does not remove a page’s standard content. To remove standard page instructions, use an empty HTML comment in the page’s custom content. For example, <!-- -->.
Troubleshooting: In the End-User Portal pages, customizable content has HTML comments before and after it to indicate its custom content ID. Therefore, when you view the page source, you can see where the custom content is placed and what its ID is. Custom content appears like the following in the page source:

<!--BEGIN HTML Content ID <Custom Content ID value> -->

<Custom Content>

<!--END HTML Content ID <Custom Content ID value> -->

See Also