Creating a Download Package Notification

You can create an email notification for one or more download packages on the Create Update Notification Email by Download Package page. There, you can enter the download package IDs of the download packages, directly, or search for download packages to which the email pertains.

Important:If FlexNet Operations is running in an Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment, FlexNet Operations can only send emails to addresses and domains that have been verified by AWS beforehand. For more information and procedural information, see section Verifying Email Addresses and Domains (AWS Only).

Tip:To successfully send an email notification for a download package, the default variation of the Update Notification Email template must be active and permitted to send messages (Will Email Be Sent set to Yes).

To send a download package notification email

1. Click Administer > Send Download Package Notification. This link opens the Create Update Notification Email by Download Package page.
2. Identify the download packages for which you want to send an email. Choose whether to enter download package IDs or to search for download packages:
Enter download package IDs when you already know their download package IDs or system download package IDs.
a. In the download package IDs field, type the download package IDs as a comma-separated list or enter them one per line. Note: If you enter system download package IDs, remember to select the Use System IDs check box.
b. Click Create Email.
Search for download packages by entering search criteria if you do not know the IDs of the download packages.
a. Type your search criteria into the download package search fields.
b. Click Search. The Producer Portal shows a list of download packages that match your criteria.
c. Select download packages and click Save.

The Producer Portal shows the Distribution List Options and Choose an Email Template settings.

3. Set Distribution List Options for the email message.



Effective Date

The first date (inclusive) that this entitlement is available to the end user.

Include Expired Entitlements

Determines whether or not to include expired entitlements in the distribution list. By default, only users with active entitlements are included in the distribution list.

Exclude Email Filters

Allows you to identify specific email addresses or email address ranges to exclude from the distribution list. For a single address, type the address in the space provided. For multiple addresses, add a comma-separated list of email addresses in the space provided. Use an asterisk as a wildcard to exclude ranges of email addresses. For example, *, *.edu.

Limit to Countries

Restricts the delivery of notifications to countries identified by their two-character country code. Use a comma-separated list of country codes to permit delivery to multiple countries. For example, specifying US,FR permits notification delivery to users in the United States and France.

When no country codes are specified, FlexNet Operations places no notification delivery restrictions based on the recipient’s country.

Send Separate Email for Each Download Package

Determines whether to send a single message for all download packages (when multiple download packages have been selected) or to send a separate message for each download package.

Send Email Immediately

Determines whether the message is sent as soon as it is created or sent later. If you select this check box, the Producer Portal sends the message as soon as you click Create on this page. Do not use this option if you want to modify the message before it is sent.

4. Choose an Email Template variation for this message.

Download Package notification messages use the Update Notification Email template. Select any active variation of that template for the download package notification.

Tip:You can manage your email templates in the Producer Portal. For more information about email templates, see Managing Email Templates.

5. Click Create. The Producer Portal creates the email message for the download packages you specified, using the settings you provided, and shows the View Email page.
6. On the View Email page, click Edit > Send Email. The Producer Portal opens the Send Email page.
7. On the Send Email page, choose to send the email or schedule its delivery.
To send immediately, click Send.
To schedule delivery for a later date,
a. Click Queue to be sent at.
b. Set the Send Date.
c. Specify the Send Time (24-hour format).
d. Click Send.

The Producer Portal sends the email notification.

See Also