Uploading Containerized Applications

Now that there is a project in the registry, you can upload the containerized applications that you want to make available to your end users. The following procedure walks you through the steps to log in to the Revenera registry, and tag and push the desired images or charts to the registry.

Note: If you are using a shared registry, the project name is prefixed with your tenant ID. As a result, you might need to adapt the paths accordingly when performing the tasks described in this section.

Important: All configuration tasks (such as adding and removing projects or users) are handled by FlexNet Operations. Software producers must not attempt to alter the project structure or user lists, regardless of the registry model they are using.

Refer to the Docker and Helm documentation for more detailed information about Docker and Helm commands, respectively.

Pushing Docker Images

Important: You must have a Docker client (CLI) installed to perform the steps in this section.

To tag and push a Docker image to the Revenera registry

1. Log in to the Revenera registry (see Accessing the Revenera Registry).
2. Enter the following to tag a target image that refers to a source image (you can skip this step if the Docker image was tagged when it was built):

docker tag <source_image>:<tag> <registry-hostname>/<project-name>/<target_image>:<tag>

where <registry-hostname> is the location of the Revenera registry, and <project-name> is the name of the project to which you want to associate the image.

The following shows an example command:

docker tag demo-image:latest container-registry.uat-1234.revenera.com/demo-project/new-demo-image:6.0

3. Use a command like the following to share the image to the Revenera registry:

docker push <registry-hostname>/<project-name>/<image>:<tag>

The following shows an example command:

docker push container-registry.uat-1234.revenera.com/demo-project/new-demo-image:6.0

Pushing Helm Charts

Important:You must have a Helm client (CLI) installed to perform the steps in this section.

To push a Helm chart to the Revenera registry

1. Use a command like the following to add a repository:

helm repo add --username=<username> --password=<cli-secret> <repo-name> <registry-hostname>/<path-to-project>/<project-name>

The following shows an example command:

helm repo add --username=example-user --password=password demo-repo https://container-registry.uat-1234.revenera.com/chartrepo/demo-project

2. Then use a command like the following to share a Helm chart to the Revenera registry:

helm push --username=<username> --password=<cli-secret> <chart-name> <repo-name>

The following shows an example command:

helm push --username=example-user --password=password demo-chart demo-repo

See Also