About Projects in the Revenera Registry

When you create a download package in FlexNet Operations that supports the distribution of containerized applications, a “project” is created in the Revenera registry. A download package supports the distribution of Docker images and Helm charts when the option Container Delivery is selected on the Create Download page. For more information, see Preparing a Download Package in FlexNet Operations.

A project reflects the information that FlexNet Operations holds about the corresponding download package, such as, for example, the producer users that are associated with the download package. A project is empty until it is mapped to the images and charts that you push to the registry.

Note:The project name is prefixed with your tenant ID unless you are using a dedicated or open registry.

Important:All configuration tasks (such as adding and removing projects or users) are handled by FlexNet Operations. Software producers must not attempt to alter the project structure or user lists, regardless of the registry model they are using.

See Also