Pushing Containerized Applications to the Registry

As a result of creating the photoprint download package—which supports containerized applications—in FlexNet Operations, the project photoprint is simultaneously created in the registry. This project is empty until you push a Docker image and Helm chart to the registry. The procedure described in this section ties the photoprint-image Docker image and photoprint-chart Helm chart to the photoprint project in the Revenera registry, which makes them available to the customer user, Lisa Barry.

The section is split into the following subsections:

Logging in to the Registry
Pushing Docker Images
Pushing Helm Charts

Important: For the steps in this section it is assumed that you are accessing a dedicated registry. If you are using a shared registry, you need to use a registry URL without the tenant ID. Also, for the shared registry, the project name is prefixed with your tenant ID. See About the Revenera Registry.

Logging in to the Registry

To log in to the Revenera registry

1. In a terminal window on the client machine running Docker, enter a command similar to the following to log in:

docker login https://container-registry.uat<tenant-ID>-uswest1.revenera.com

where <tenant-ID> is your 4-character tenant ID.

2. You are then prompted to enter your username and password. Your user name is your FlexNet Operations user name. Your password is the container registry secret, which you can find in your user profile.

Pushing Docker Images

After you log in to the registry you can tag and push the Docker image photoprint-image to the registry, where it will be associated with the photoprint project.

To tag and push “photoprint-image” to the Revenera registry

1. Enter the following to tag the target image photoprint-image:2.0 that refers to the source image photoprint-image:latest (you can skip this step if the Docker image was tagged when it was built):

docker tag photoprint-image:latest container-registry.uat<tenant-ID>-uswest1.revenera.com/photoprint/photoprint-image:2.0

2. Use the following command to share photoprint-image to the Revenera registry:

docker push container-registry.uat<tenant-ID>-uswest1.revenera.com/photoprint/photoprint-image:2.0

Pushing Helm Charts

In the steps below, replace <user-name> with your FlexNet Operations user name, and <password> with your container registry secret (which you can find in your user profile).

Tip: If you are unsure about the syntax for the helm repo add command, navigate to the Downloads page and click the Add Repo Command button in the Helm Charts section, which will show the syntax. For more information, see Identifying Syntax for “helm repo add” Command.

To push “photoprint-chart” to the Revenera registry

1. Use the following command to add the photoprint-repo repository:

helm repo add --username=<user-name> --password=<password> photoprint-repo https://container-registry.uat<tenant-ID>-uswest1.revenera.com/chartrepo/photoprint

2. Then use the following command to share photoprint-chart to the Revenera registry:

helm push --username=<user-name> --password=<password> photoprint-chart photoprint-repo