Accessing the Revenera Registry

You need the URL and registry secret to access the Revenera registry.

Registry URL

The URL for accessing the Revenera registry depends on the deployment type and has the following format:

Deplyoment Type


Shared registry


Dedicated registry

UAT: https://container-registry.uat<tenant-ID>
Production: https://container-registry.<tenant-ID>

Note:Replace <tenant-ID> with your 4-character tenant ID.

Open Registry (Bring Your Own)

URLs are as specified by the software producer.

Producers who use the Open Registry model need to communicate the URL to their respective producer users.

Tip:The registry URL can be displayed on the View Download Package page in the Producer Portal (see Identifying Syntax for “pull” Command) or in the pull command tooltip on the Download List page in the End-User Portal (see “Viewing Details of Containerized Applications” in the FlexNet Operations End-User Portal Help Library).

Registry Secret

Producer users use their FlexNet Operations user name and the container registry secret found in their profile page to log on to the Revenera registry. Customer users use their End-User Portal login and their container registry secret to log on to the Revenera registry.

A registry secret is available for all users (producer user and end users) who have been copied by FlexNet Operations to the Revenera registry and have been associated by FlexNet Operations as members to a project.

To determine your container registry secret

Producer users—in the Producer Portal, point to the User menu (next to the System menu at the top right corner of the Producer Portal page) and click My Profile.
Customer users—in the End-User Portal, point to the User menu (next to the System menu at the top right corner of the End-User Portal page) and click Profile.

The option Container registry secret shows your secret. You can use Copy to copy the secret to the clipboard.