Custom License Model Attribute Settings

Custom license model attributes have the following settings:





A name to uniquely identify this custom license model attribute. This name must be unique within a given license technology.

License Technology

License technology of which the attribute is a part. Choose from the drop-down list. If you choose FlexNet Licensing from this list, you are setting custom attributes on its license models.

When to Request this Attribute Value

The events during which it is possible for to specify the values of this attribute:

License Model Creation: when creating a license model that enables this attribute
Entitlement: when creating entitlements with license models that enable this attribute
Fulfillment: when activating licenses with license models that enable this attribute

The selected events, above, define the events when the values of this attribute may be specified on some license model of the selected license technology. When the current license model attribute is enabled on a particular license model, one event from the set of possible events must be selected. For more information, see Setting Up Custom License Model Attributes .


Is this a required or optional attribute for license generation? If required, this attribute can only be created for a license technology in the draft state.


The data type of the values the custom attribute accepts. Type cannot be changed after it is set.

Choose from the following:

Text (requires Max. Length and Text Type settings)
Long Text (requires Display Type setting)

For details about these data types, see Custom Attribute Data Types in About Custom Attributes.

Copy to Data Warehouse

If selected, this attribute is included in the data transformation for reporting. Otherwise, the custom attribute is not available for reporting.

Note that some data types cannot be copies to the data warehouse and, as a result, cannot be made available for reporting. For details, see Copying to the Data Warehouse in About Custom Attributes.

See Also