Setting Up Custom License Model Attributes

After setting license model attributes on the Create a License Model page, producers can set the custom license model attributes on the Set Up Custom Attributes page. The Producer Portal shows this page when you click Next on the Create a License Model page.

The custom attributes available on the Set Up Custom Attributes page depend on the custom license model attributes that have been defined for the license model’s license technology. (See Managing Custom License Attributes for more information.)

To set up custom license model attributes

1. On the Create a License Model page, click Next. This button opens the Set Up Custom Attributes page.
2. For each custom license model attribute, choose whether to use it in the license model, and the entitlements and licenses that use the license model.
If the custom license model attribute is used, set the time at which its value is to be specified. Choose from
Specify Value Now
Specify Value at Entitlement Time
Specify Value at Fulfillment Time.
If the custom license model attribute is not used, set it to Not Used.
3. Complete setting up custom license model attributes by clicking Save, Complete, or Next.
Click Save to save your custom attribute settings and remain on the current page.
Click Complete to save your custom attribute settings and return to the License Model page.
Click Next to save your custom attribute settings and proceed to the Set Up Policies page. (See Setting License Model Policies for more information.)

See Also