Creating a License Generator Configuration Custom Attribute

Note:When creating a license technology, if you implement your license generator class so that it references the license generator executable, you can skip this step. In the flow of the Create a License Technology wizard, this step precedes creating the license technology configuration itself.

You can create a license generator configuration attribute for custom license technologies in the draft state. You cannot create a license generator configuration attribute for FlexNet Publisher Licensing Toolkit.

To create a license generator configuration attribute:

1. Navigate to the Create Custom Attribute page.
2. Specify the following information for your custom generator attribute:




Name to uniquely identify this custom license generator configuration attribute: this name must be unique within a given license technology.

License Technology

License technology that includes the license generator configuration for this attribute. Choose from the drop-down list. This value cannot be changed after it is set.

Is Required?

Will this be a required or optional attribute for license generation?


Type of value the custom attribute accepts. This cannot be changed after it is set.

Number: An integer.
Text: An alphanumeric string.
Max Length: Maximum number of characters the text field will accept
Text Type: this cannot be changed after it is set.
Free Form: If you select this option, your custom attribute will take a typed-in alphanumeric string.
Single Select: If you select this option, your custom attribute will take the value of an item from a drop-down list.
Multi Valued Text: If you select this option, your custom attribute will take the value of several selected boxes next to items in a specified list.
Valid Values: Use to specify a list from which Single Select or Multi Valued Text items can be chosen.
Long Text: A text value that can be up to 16384 characters. The value can be typed or pasted into the text box. (The Display Type setting controls how a long text value will be displayed.)
Boolean: A pair of options for mutually exclusive choices, that is, “Yes” or “No”.
Date: A date that can be selected from a calendar tool.
3. Click Save to save your changes, Next to move to the next page without saving, Reset to clear all fields, and Add New to specify another attribute.

Note:If necessary, create an attribute for the name of your license generator executable.

4. Click Next to create a license generator configuration.

See Also