Creating a Custom License Model Custom Attribute

Note:In the flow of the Create a License Technology wizard, this step precedes creating the license model itself.

To create a custom license model attribute

1. Navigate to the Create Custom Attribute page.
2. Fill in the following fields for each attribute you create:





Name to uniquely identify this custom license model attribute: this name must be unique within a given license technology.

License Technology

License technology of which the attribute is a part. Choose from the drop-down list. If you choose FlexNet Publisher Licensing Toolkit from this list, you will be setting custom attributes on its license models.

When Choices

When the value of this attribute must be specified:

License Model Creation—When creating a license model that uses this attribute
Entitlement:—When creating entitlements with license models that use this attribute
Fulfillment—When activating licenses with license models that use this attribute

Is Required?

Will this be a required or optional attribute for license generation? If required, this attribute can only be created for a license technology in the draft state.


Type of value the custom attribute accepts.


An integer (for example, 33452).


An alphanumeric string. If you choose this option, the Producer Portal reveals additional controls for Max Length and Text Type.

Max Length: Maximum number of characters the text field will accept.

Text Type: Choose one of the following:

Free Form—If you select this option, your custom attribute will take a typed-in alphanumeric string. When you select this option, you also need to choose a Display Type to determine how the text attribute will be displayed: Text Field or Text Area.
Single Select—If you select this option, your custom attribute will take the value of an item from a drop-down list. When you select this option, you also need to specify Valid Values with Add Value. Valid Values determine the list of values a user can choose for this attribute.
Multi Valued Text—If you select this option, your custom attribute will take the value of several selected boxes next to items in a specified list. When you select this option, you also need to specify Valid Values with Add Value. Valid Values determine the list of values a user can choose for this attribute.

Important:The Text Type selection cannot be changed after it is set.

Long Text

An alphanumeric string that can be up to 16384 characters. The value can be typed or pasted into the text box. When the attribute’s Type is Long Text, also choose a Display Type to determine how the text attribute will be displayed: Text Field or Text Area.


A pair of options for mutually exclusive choices, such as Yes or No.


A calendar date.

Required for Reporting

If Yes, then this attribute will be included in data transformation for reporting.

Note:If you create an attribute called “SERIAL_NUMBER,” its label, by default, is displayed as “Serial Number.” This is because SERIAL_NUMBER is a FlexNet Publisher Licensing Toolkit attribute for which resources are already defined. If you change the label for the custom SERIAL_NUMBER attribute, its FlexNet Publisher Licensing Toolkit display label will also change.

3. Click Save to save your changes, Reset to clear all fields, and Add New to specify another attribute, and Complete to save and exit this page.

See Also