Uploading Usage Data

Mainly for internal testing, producers can upload raw usage data to the Producer Portal. This option allows you to see how usage data captured by your usage-enabled FlexNet Embedded clients is rendered in usage history reports without waiting for the clients to report data over long periods.

To upload historical usage data, you must create a comma-separated value file in which each line follows the syntax shown below:

ISO 8601 date,count,feature name,activation code[,requestor ID,acquisition ID,key=value, ...]

Additional file content and format requirements appear on the Upload Historical Usage page.

To upload usage data

1. In the Producer Portal, click Usage > Upload Historical Usage. The Producer Portal opens the Upload Historical Usage page.
2. On the Upload Historical Usage page, use the browser controls to specify a CSV file on your system to upload. (The exact controls vary in different web browsers.)
3. Click Upload.

The Producer Portal uploads the usage data.