Prequisites for Automated Updates

The following steps must be performed before updates can be delivered:

Prepare Download Packages
Register Devices

Prepare Download Packages

For a device to poll for, and receive, automated updates it must use the provided REST APIs.

Before creating an update, the producer must do at least one of the following:

Configure an existing download package and files (files can be stored in FlexNet Operations or can be loaded from an external delivery source),
Associate a download package to a product (for entitlement-driven updates),
Configure a new download package to be used as the delivered content.

The next step is for the producer to define an update in FlexNet Operations.

Download packages and updates can be created through the FlexNet Operations Producer Portal, through a data import file, or using REST APIs. (Download packages can also be created using SOAP Web Services.)

Register Devices

Standalone devices (including anonymous devices) and servers should be registered before they attempt to obtain update information. This enables the producer to track the device and any updates that are associated with it. A device can:

Be registered through the FlexNet Operations Producer Portal.
Standalone devices (including anonymous devices) only: Use the activation ID of a line item to register itself and request an update through a notification command. (For more details see either the FlexNet Embedded Client C XT SDK User Guide or the FlexNet Embedded Client .NET XT SDK User Guide.)
Standalone devices (including anonymous devices) only: Register itself using the /registrations REST API in the Notification Server. Devices which are not associated with an account—called "anonymous devices"—should use this method of registration. This avoids a manual step of registering using the Producer Portal and ensures the device is known about in FlexNet Operations when verifying successful software updates.

Served devices can not be registered with FlexNet Operations.