Poll for Response to the Request for Signed Updates

Poll for a list of possible signed updates, using the polling ID returned by a POST to the /uai/2.0/signed-updates API. It can be used repeatedly until a 200 response is received.

Poll for Response to the Request for Signed Updates







Query parameters

pollingId: ID returned in Find Available Signed Updates service

Request body


Response codes

200: Success.

202: Submitted request is still being processed. Use the URL returned to continue to poll for the response.

401: The request is unauthorized. This could be because a JWT was not found in the header, the token has expired, the signature is invalid, or a public key could not be identified (most commonly because the public key has not been uploaded to FlexNet Operations).

404: The request failed due to bad input data provided in the request. The response could not be signed because either it was not possible to identify the private key from the request body, or a public key had not yet been requested. More detail can be found in the error response body.

500: The request failed due to an internal error and it was not possible to sign the response. More detail can be found in the error response body.

Sample Response

This is the data structure for a successful response (status 200). The body of the response is a JWS token. Refer to JWS documentation for further details. Once the response has been received, the first step is to verify the signature using the public key and the three fields in the JWS token. If the signature verification fails, then the response content has been tampered with and should not be used. The second step is to Base64 decode the payload field, which will result in a JSON structure containing the list of possible updates for the response. (See the description of the response for /uai/2.0/updates for more information.)


   "payload": "string",

   "protected": "string",

   "signature": "string"


If the request is still being processed (status 202), a URL to poll for completion of the request is returned:


   "url": "string"


This is the data structure for a status 404 and 500 response:


   "arguments": "string",

   "key": "string",

   "message": "string"
