Log the Event of the Update Process

Event logging makes particular use of the following main fields:

eventName—This can be any string you choose to use. This field enables you to define a number of events that you might want to monitor while the device is running your software. This field is required.
eventGroup—This field enables you to group a number of eventNames into categories, for easier analysis at a later time. This field is optional.
eventValue—This field provides additional information, for example to explain why a particular event has been logged. This field is optional.

Use the deviceClass parameter to indicate the type of device for which events should be logged. The following values are available:

client—indicates a standalone device (this can also be an anonymous device)
server—indicates either a Cloud License Server or a Local License Server
served—indicates a served device.

If deviceClass is not specified, client is the default value.

Logging device events







Query parameters


Request body


    "deviceClass": "string",

    "downloadPackageId": "string",

    "eventGroup": "string",

    "eventName": "string",

    "eventValue": "string",

    "id": "string",

    "idType": "string",

    "language": 0,

    "platform": "string",

    "publisherName": "string",

    "timestamp": "string",

    "updateId": "string",

    "updateName": "string"


Note:The fields downloadPackageId, eventGroup, eventValue, language, platform, updateId, and updateName are optional.

Response codes

200: Not used

202: Asynchronous request. Use the URL returned to poll for a response.

Sample Response

If the request has been accepted (status 202), a URL including a polling ID to poll for completion of the registration is returned:


   "url": "string"
