Adding Product Features

In this exercise, you add product features SimultaneousUsers, Encryption_Throughput, and Redundancy. Features SimultaneousUsers and Encryption_Throughput are counted, and feature Redundancy is uncounted (enabled or disabled).

To add the Encryption_Throughput, SimultaneousUsers, and Redundancy features

1. In the Producer Portal, click Products > Features. The Package Products page appears.
2. Click Add New Feature.
3. Under Create A Feature, enter the first feature’s attributes:
Feature Name: Type Encryption_Throughput
Version: Type 1.0
Description: Type Encryption throughput in Mbps
4. Click Add New Feature. The first feature is saved and this message appears: Feature Encryption_Throughput successfully added.
5. Under Create a Feature, enter the second feature’s attributes:
Feature Name: Type SimultaneousUsers
Version: Type 1.0
Description: Type Number of simultaneous users
6. Click Add New Feature. The second feature is saved and this message appears: Feature SimultaneousUsers successfully added.
7. Under Create a Feature, enter the third feature’s attributes:
Feature Name: Type Redundancy
Version: Type 1.0
Description: Type Redundancy
Under Feature Overrides, from the Counted list, select No (Redundancy is enabled or disabled)
8. Click Save. The third feature is saved and this message appears: Feature Redundancy successfully added. Note that the three new features are listed in the table on the right side of the Package Products page.