Deploying a Product

In this exercise, you review the attributes of product PhotoPrint, then you deploy it.

To review the attributes of product PhotoPrint

1. Click Products > Products. The Package Products page appears.
2. Search for product PhotoPrint and note that it is in the Draft state.
3. Click the PhotoPrint link. The Package Products | Create A Product page appears. Under Create A Product, review these attributes:
Product Name: PhotoPrint
Description: Sends to PDF file, prints normal quality, or prints high quality.
Version: 12.0
State: Draft
4. Scroll down to the Feature or Feature Bundle Name table and note that PhotoPrint contains one copy each of features PrintToPDF, Print, and PrintHighQualityColor in the Draft state and no feature bundles.
5. Click Back to return to the Package Products page.

To deploy product PhotoPrint

1. On the Package Products page, select the product PhotoPrint check box.
2. Click Change State  and select Deploy from the drop-down menu. Click OK in the verification message. The Package Products page appears, with the feature and feature bundle deployment information, for product PhotoPrint.
3. Click Deploy. The Package Products page shows that PhotoPrint and its features are successfully deployed. This message appears: Products deployed successfully.
4. Log out of the FlexNet Operations Producer Portal or continue with Entitlement Creation.