Deploying an Entitlement

In this exercise, you deploy the product PhotoPrint entitlement that you created and configured for customer Barry Photography Studio in the previous exercise.

To deploy the product PhotoPrint entitlement

1. On the Line Items tab, select the PhotoPrint line item.
2. At the bottom of the Entitle Customers to Licenses page, click Save & Deploy. The Line Item State of PhotoPrint is changed to Deployed and this message appears: Entitlement deployed successfully.
3. On the Entitle Customers to Licenses page, click Email to send entitlement notification email to Lisa Barry at Barry Photography Studio. The Entitle Customers to Licenses page appears with the customer’s address in the Ship To Email box.

Note:To include additional recipients, type their email addresses into the Ship To Email box separated by commas.

Tip:Add your email address to the recipients list and review the PhotoPrint entitlement certificate you receive.

Click Send. This message appears: Email sent to the recipients <address list>.

4. Log out of the FlexNet Operations Producer Portal.