Entitlement Creation Advanced Topics
Bulk Entitlements
Bulk entitlements are used for channel sales or redistributors who order large quantities of a product, each copy of which is expected to be resold to a different retail end user.
Importing Entitlements
Entities, including entitlements, can be imported to and exported from a FlexNet Operations database into other Operations databases. This enables data migration between different FlexNet Operations installations.
Test Entitlements
Test entitlements allow testing of draft products and license models before they are deployed. All entitlement actions can be performed on test entitlements, but test entitlements cannot be moved to any other state.
Maintenance Entitlements
Maintenance is an unlicensed product that represents additional rights that a customer can purchase with a product. For example, maintenance can give the customer the right to technical support, upgrades, updates, or new platforms for the product for the duration of the maintenance period. A maintenance product cannot exist in an entitlement by itself; it must be associated with a product line item.
Merging Entitlements
Entitlements can be reassigned to another account when two accounts merge into one. When an entitlement is merged, everything in the entitlement remains the same except the Account value, which is changed to reflect the new account.
Transferring Entitlements
License rights in a single entitlement can be transferred from one account to another. All of the entitlement’s line items are transferred. Line items can also be transferred individually.
Splitting Entitlements
Producer and partner users can split entitlements on the End-User Portal, if this functionality is enabled.
Bulk Operations
All of the following operations can be performed as non-bulk operations also.
Product Upgrades
An upgrade allows a customer to replace an older version of a product with a newer version, such as moving from Calculator version 4.5 to Calculator version 5.0.
Product Upsells
An upsell allows a customer to replace a product with another that has more features, such as moving from Paint Standard Edition to Paint Professional Edition.
Product Renewals
A renewal allows a customer to extend a licensed product’s existing entitlement to a date farther in the future.