Viewing Request History

Use the following instruction sets to view the history of all device and license server requests and, optionally, to filter the request history by date and time or by request ID.

To View Request History

Click Administer > Request History. The Producer Portal opens the Request History page.

The Request History page shows all requests, by default.

Request history results can be filtered by date or by ID.

To Filter the Request History Results

1. On the Request History page, enter any date or ID values you want to use to filter the request history results.
Max Request Time—Determines how recent the requests included in the request history results are. No requests that occurred after the specified date are included in the results.
Max Request ID—Limits the request history results according to the request ID. No requests with a request ID number higher than the specified request ID are included in the results. (Only numbers are possible in the Max Request ID field, and wildcards are not permitted.)
2. Click Get History. The Producer Portal refreshes the Request History page to show only the requests that match the filters.

See Also