About the License Expiration Grace Period

As described in Grace Period Days, you can enable the Grace Period option to allow a FlexNet Embedded application to function, without interruption, after its license has expired. Granting a license expiration grace period enables a producer to detect that an end customer’s application is functioning in a grace period, and to notify the customer that it is time to renew to prevent disruption of their normal business work flow.

The license expiration date is the expiration date that is entered and displayed in FlexNet Operations; for license models that support it, the grace period is the number of days beyond the license expiration date that an application continues to function. When the license is generated, FlexNet Operations uses the expiration date plus the grace period to set the entitlement expiration date (in other words, the grace expiration date)—the date on which the application stops functioning. For example, if the producer enters a grace period of 14 days for a license that expires on March 1st, then the entitlement expiration date is March 15th.

The grace period is configured by the producer at the license model, where the option can be turned on or off (the default value). It is supported on local and cloud license servers for metered and concurrent license models, and for standalone devices (a standalone device is a FlexNet Embedded device that connects directly to FlexNet Operations).

Note:If a renewal entitlement is mapped before an application’s parent entitlement expires (to avoid an interruption of service), the grace period of the parent entitlement is suppressed to prevent creation of an extra entitlement during the grace period.

Grace Period Handling in the Usage Analytics Service

When an entitlement line item uses a license model that includes a grace period, notifications about that entitlement sent to UAS include the extended grace period in their end date. This ensures that reports accurately record any usage during the grace period. Currently, UAS does not highlight grace usage separately in its reports; that functionality is planned for a future release.

Note:It is recommended that producers set the entitlement expiration date right after expiration to prevent gaps in usage tracking and enable usage statistics to carry over to the new entitlement.