Poll for Device Registration Status

Poll for a response to the registration status request, using the polling ID returned by a POST to the /uai/2.0/devices/registrations API. It can be used repeatedly until a 200 response is received.

Poll for Device Registration Status







Query parameters


Request body


Response codes

200: Processing complete.

202: Submitted request is still being processed. Use the URL returned to continue to poll for the response.

401: The request is unauthorized. This could be because a JWT was not found in the header, the token has expired, the signature is invalid, or a public key could not be identified (most commonly because the public key has not been uploaded to FlexNet Operations).

Sample Response

This is the data structure for a response when processing the device registration is complete (status 200):


   "arguments": "string",

   "key": "string",

   "message": "string"


If the request is still being processed (status 202), a URL to poll for completion of the status request is returned:


   "url": "string"
