Configuring a Bulk Entitlement

When you click Add Product on the Create a Bulk Entitlement page, FlexNet Operations opens the Configure Line Item wizard in a pop-up window. Continue configuring the settings for this entitlement line item. You configure entitlement line items using the wizard.

To configure a bulk entitlement

1. Under Select Product, select one or more products from the list. You can search for a product, a suite, or search for all products. Click Next.
2. Specify Quantities: For each product, enter the quantity to be included in each line item. Click Next.
3. Select License Model: Select one of the license models that is associated with the selected product. Only deployed license models appear in the drop-down list. Specify any entitlement-time license model attributes. The existing model is displayed, if one was previously assigned. In addition, custom attributes specified at entitlement time are shown here.
4. Configure Product: For each product, specify the following values:

Select Product Fields




Describe the characteristics of this entitlement that make it unique.

Start Date

The start date of the entitlement is the start date of the licenses that are generated against the line item. Select a start date option from the drop-down list:

Use each activation date as start date: (not recommended for use with FlexNet Embedded licensing) every time the line item is activated, the activation date is used as the start date. Each fulfillment record gets a new start date. As a result, for duration-based entitlements, each fulfillment record’s expiration date is set to activation date + duration.
Specify at first activation: the user is prompted to specify a start date when first activating the entitlement. This start date is used for all fulfillment records.
Use first activation date: the date of the first activation is used as the start date. All fulfillment records for this entitlement get the same start date.
Specify at each activation: (not recommended for use with FlexNet Embedded licensing) the user is prompted to specify a start date each time the entitlement is activated. Each fulfillment record gets a new start date, and for duration-based entitlements, each fulfillment record’s expiration date is set to start date specified + duration.


Specify when the entitlement expires.

Permanent: the entitlement never expires.

Specify Expiration Date: the entitlement expires on the indicated date.

Specify Duration: the entitlement is valid for this period of time after activation.

5. After the bulk entitlement is configured, you can save it in its current state, go to the Load Web Register Keys page to add Web register keys to the bulk entitlement, or deploy it:
Click Save or Complete to save the entitlement. This saves the bulk entitlement in a draft state to allow further editing. After an entitlement is saved, the history of its state change can be viewed by clicking View History.
Click Next to load Web register keys into the bulk entitlement.
Click Deploy to deploy a draft bulk entitlement. Deploying a bulk entitlement allows activation but, after deploying, a bulk entitlement’s existing line items cannot be modified.

See Also